PRESCOTT – If you want to know what is going on in Prescott, just visit the new community reader board on the south wall of The Plaza park, located between the Tuxedo Bar & Grill and the library.
The Lion’s Club, the Community Club of Prescott, the Tuxedo Bar & Grill, and the Prescott Joint Parks & Recreation Department all donated to purchase the reader board, which is enclosed and locked for safety.
“We saw a need for the community to be able to post notifications regarding meetings, things for sale, events of interest, and lost and found. It used to be that we could post things in the post office, but that is no longer available. Pam would post things on the inside doors of The Tux, but that was not where everyone could view the notices,” said PJPRD Co-Manager Yvonne Jackson.
People can contact the Tux, the library, or PJPRD with items they want to post, Jackson said.
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