Ten Years Ago
March 22, 2007
Two Waitsburg women with years of community contributions were honored for that service with Waitsburg Commercial Club’s 2006 Community Service Award last Tuesday. Evelyn Smith and Jane Butler were recognized with honor at the club’s annual banquet.
Roger Hevel of Waitsburg recently received his 50-year Masonic pin from Charles W. McQuery, Grand Master, Free and Accepted Masons of Washington, at the Grand Master’s visit to Walla Walla recently Laura Jean Hevel was given the honor of pinning the pin on Hevel’s lapel.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
March 19. 1992
A Waitsburg native who has devoted herself to the Weller Public Library and two brothers, without whom Main Street wouldn’t radiate brightly with Christmas lights, shared the Commercial Club’s Citizen of the Year honors at the club’s annual banquet Tuesday. Named for 1992 were Naomi Patton, whose grandfather George T. Pollard fought Indians in this area in 1855 and later returned to homestead four years later; and Don and Sam Wills, who were nominated because “they are ready to help in every situation; putting flags up, taking them down, putting up Christmas decorations, taking them down and helping anyone who needs a couple of excellent moving men.”
Cindy Daves, a member of the Waitsburg High School band, participated in the high school honor band gathering sponsored by Eastern Washington University March 14-15 at the Cheney campus. Daves was selected from students from three states to join the honors band. She was selected based on her musical ability.
Fifty Years Ago
March 16, 1967
The Dayton Drive-In Theatre will re-open this Friday, March 17th, under the management of Jack and Nancy Otterson of Watisburg. A fine selection of movies has been made for the season. The snack bar will feature pizzas, barbecued beef, hot dogs, chili and cold drinks.
A well-rounded Variety Show will be presented Friday night by the Girl’s League at the high school. Master of ceremony honors will be shared by Mike Beechinor and Lana Henze,
The Friendly Thimble Club met with Mrs. Denzil Mock Friday, March 10th. Each member made and wore their little hats of various sizes and description. Hats were judged by Mrs. J. A. Wright and Mrs. Joseph Bodman. Winner for the prettiest hat, Mrs. Martha Dodson, hand embroidered pillow cases.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
March 20, 1942
Entertaining like a princess, Cherie Ann Gohlman proved herself a most popular hostess at her birthday party, Thursday afternoon, March 12.
Members of the Walla Walla, Waitsburg and Dayton racing committees met in Waitsburg Tuesday evening and made preliminary plans for organizing a District Racing Association to be known as the Blue Mountain Association.
Levi Testerman, Pat Estes, and Andy Keve joined the trek to the Army this past week. Melvin Testerman is also in the army.
Dates for sugar consumer registration previously announced for March 17-18 have been indefinitely postponed.
One Hundred Years Ago
March 23, 1917
According to reports, C. A. Hales and Son, well-known sheepmen of this city, who have been wintering a large herd of sheep at Pasco, have lost 75 head of ewes within the past few days from rabies.
Ed Nelson was in town Saturday from his farm in southeast of Dixie. He says there s still much snow on the foothills in that neighborhood.
Born at the farm home, Monday, March 19, to Mr. and Mrs. John Clodius, a daughter.
Lee Laughery’s folks are nearly all done with the measles. Emma is up after being sick with them for two weeks, but she was up just in time to help care for her brothers and sisters.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
March 25, 1892
Go where you will, you will not find four churches with four more able ministers than are now in charge of so many religious congregations in this city. They are fine gentlemen all of them, and all stand well nigh be top of the ladder of their calling.
On Wednesday, while at play little Marion, four-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Kingman, fell off a fence breaking an arm. This is the second time Marion has been afflicted this way, and each time occurring in the same way. She is getting along well and suffers little pain.
A mothers’ meeting will be held in the lecture room of the Presbyterian Church on April 1 at 3 p.m. Subject, “Our Girls.” A good attendance is desired, all members and ladies generally are welcome to attend.
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