Ten Years Ago
March 29, 2007
Waitsburg’s 2007 vote-by-mail City Election will wrap up when ballots are due to be postmarked on April 2. At stake is the mayor’s position and five City Council seats with seven people on contention for them. Three-plus year Councilwoman Markeeta Little Wolf is risking her Council seat in her bid for the mayor’s post opposing incumbent Mayor Marty Dunn in the annual election for one-year terms. And there are six individuals – four incumbents – bidding for the five seats on the City Council. They include Orville Branson, Larry Clinton, Leroy Cunningham, Jim Helm, C. Larry Johnson and Ken Lenhart.
Plenty of ideas of possible future uses of Wait’s Mill were offered at the first of two planned community meetings conducted by ALSC architects of Spokane. At the meeting last Monday, some 20 citizens suggested ideas such as a winery, lodging, interpretive center for milling or alternative energy, site for a tourism-boosting connection to rail roading, and others.
Twenty Five Years Ago
March 26, 1992
City officials say they met with a representative of an onion and garlic processing company last Thursday to discuss the possibility of the company relocating from near Hermiston to the old Green Giant cannery site in northeast Waitsburg. In addition, a spokeswoman for Haas Foods Inc., said there are onion and garlic odors emitted from the mill operation. And, she said, it is important to Haas that residents be willing to accept such drawbacks as well as the economic advantages of the plant.
Last week, the City Council was told that as much as $1,000 has already been pledged to purchase European Hornbeams for the eastside of Main Street and for planting trees in other sections of the city. In addition, Ron Carlson, a member of the city’s tree committee, and city workers Elmer Hays and Dan Katsel began digging out gravel and dirt from the 3-foot by 3-foot squares that were cut into the sidewalk in the downtown business district years ago. The trees, costing $40 to $60 each, will be planted in the squares to beautify Main.
Lois Stephenson wants more women active in the Waitsburg Commercial Club. Stephenson, 53, who rides a motorcycle in her spare time, was installed as the new secretary-treasurer of the club, founded in the early 1900s. She is the first woman to hold an executive office in the club, which functions as the chamber of commerce for Waitsburg.
Fifty Years Ago
March 23, 1967
A large group of over 50 friends and business associates made Saturday, March 18 a memorable occasion for Lee Mantz as he was honored for his many years of service as a pharmacist. Neither Lee nor his wife Joyce knew about the arrangements until they walked into the Legion Club, guided by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mantz., Jr., who were “in” on the plans.
Days of Real Sport candidate Sherri Donnelly, is the pert brown-haired, blue-eyed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Donnelly. She is a junior at Waitsburg High School where she has been a cheer leader and active in Girl’s League, Pep Club Service Club, band and chorus, and sings with the “Exits.” Her 4-H activities include membership in the Saddles and Spurs and as a junior leader; barrel race in local fairs and jr. rodeos; and is a member of the Walla Walla Pioneer Posse group.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
March 27, 1942
R. D. Roberts purchased the Fred Cox family residence on Main Street Thursday of last week and plans to move in within the next few weeks.
Speed of automobiles on Walla Walla County roads is limited to 40 miles per hour, under action of the County Commissioners taken following their regular meeting Monday.
DeNova Club, newly organized Federated Club, held their Founder’s Day meeting at the home of Mrs. Pierre Ganguet, with Mrs. Morris Ganguet and Mrs. Mel Combs assisting. Pictures were taken of the group for the historian’s files.
Canteen workers are progressing on their food-planning courses and are proving themselves capable of handling any emergency.
One Hundred Years Ago
March 30, 1917
A. M. McCoy of the Waitsburg Lumber Yard has on exhibition at the office of the lumber yard a complete model of the very latest design for a general purpose barn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bradley of this city are to be “mine hosts” at Hotel Park on and after April 1, having taken over the lease on the building as well as the park Annex and purchased the furnishings from Miss Bertha Herrington.
Inquiries have been received this month by the superintendent of the Lewis & Clark Trail State Park, from travelers at such distant points as the Panama Canal Zone and Michigan.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
April 1, 1892
P. S. George is receiving the thanks of his neighbors for removing his pig pen from adjoining Preston Avenue.
There is no longer any doubt but our city will have an electric light plant in operating order in a very short time.
Another glorious shower on Tuesday – a regular gully-washer.
The school board of Waitsburg public school held a meeting on Thursday and elected the following teachers for the coming school year: Prin., Prof. Merwin Pugh; assistants, Miss Addie Denney, Mrs. S. E. Morrill, Miss Olive Parker, Miss Janet Ingraham and Miss Bertha Smylie.
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