Ten Years Ago
April 5, 2007
Should Markeeta Little Wolf’s preliminary 15-vote-lead over Mayor Marty Dunn in the 2007 Waitsburg City Election hold, the election will go down in the history books for its number of firsts: Waitsburg’s first female mayor, Waitsburg’s first mayor of Native American heritage, Waitsburg’s first African-American Councilman, and it would be the first time that an incumbent mayor seeking re-election was unseated.
Spring is in the air this week and along with the sunshine, breezes and sounds of farming operations coming back to life is one of Waitsburg’s annual traditions: the Junior Livestock Show. For the 53rd year, some of the region’s finest livestock and applied arts will be on display at the show, Friday and Saturday, April 6 and 7, at the Don Thomas Community Building and Fairgrounds.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
April 2, 1992
Two Waitsburg residents have been selected for honors by an anti-substance abuse drug task force. Dan Butler, 43, the principal of Waitsburg High School, has been named Educator of the Year for 1991 by the Walla Walla Substance Abuse Task Force in Walla Walla. In addition, Heather Wyatt, 17, a senior at Waitsburg High School, has been selected as the High School Student of the Year for 1991 by the organization.
Waitsburg music teacher Rebecca Memino has been elected to the Pi Kappa Lambda, a national music honor society. Menino, who specializes in playing stringed instruments including the cello, has been the music teacher for Waitsburg schools since September.
Top shooters in the Waitsburg Gun Club for the past year were announced at a banquet last Friday. In the junior division, Jonathan Abbey, Ellis Erikson, and Jon Bickelhaupt were honored.
Fifty Years Ago
March 30, 1967
Joe and Winnifred McCown, who farm in the Waitsburg area, have been named to receive the Columbia County Cattleman of Year title for 1967. Mr. Bob Warren, Acting Chairman of the 1967 Cattleman of Year Selection Committee, made announcement this week of the honor given to Mr. and Mrs. McCown. Other members of the selection committee were: Ed Lawrence, Bob Butler, Harold Boeger, Kenneth Krouse and Arthur Sunderland.
We received a call this week requesting that we ask the corner-cutting youngsters in town to watch carefully for gardens. A gardener works hard at tilling and planting – and hates to see people abuse his plot.
Gowns of red brocade and red roses proclaimed the theme Saturday night when Mrs. Robert Patton was installed as worthy matron of Waitsburg Chapter No. 9, Order of Eastern Star.
Sixty Years Ago
April 5, 1957
Members of DeNova Club last week set out 42 lilac bushes on the west and south sides of the swimming pool.
A bright red, white and blue street letter box has been installed on the sidewalk in front of the post office for the convenience of the public.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
April 3, 1942
Fire caused by a kerosene stove explosion at the Glenn Conover ranch Friday afternoon destroyed over one hundred head of chickens and nearly burned the ranch buildings including the family home.
As is being done throughout the State, Waitsburg homes will be requested within the next week or so to have a blackout den for every family as well as other home defense precautions.
Planting of peas by canneries in the Blue Mountain district was well under way as the week ended, most of the operations having launched in their seeding work.
One Hundred Years Ago
April 7, 1917
N. B. Atkinson, manager of the Farmers Union Warehouse Co. is confined to his home with a seriously burned right hand and arm caused from a short circuit of the electric system of his automobile.
Born at the farm home north east of this city, Monday, April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hawks, a daughter.
Mrs. Joyce Mantz and young son who have been visiting at the Wm. McKinney hoe for several days, have returned to their home in Dayton.
E.L. Wheeler was elected mayor Monday. Councilmen are W.D. Wallace, A.J. Woodworth, A.C. Spafford, Ac.C. Macomber, and E.J. Call.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
April 8, 1892
Born in this city, April 5, 1892 to O.M. Conover and wife, a son.
Hon. A.C. Dickinson is making great improvements to his handsome Fourth Street residence property; is putting in a brick cellar and enlarging the house in various directions.
Whoever borrowed that sulky plow from D.H.Harris’ ranch near Menoken is respectrully requested to return the same.
The long needed, and greatly needed sidewalk on the east side of Main Street from Third to the public school yard is at last being laid. The laying of this walk will make all the people rejoice.
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