Dear Editor,
Waitsburg citizens, across the board, are concerned about the future of the city. Marty Dunn summed up the purpose of the mayor and city council when he told the Times, “The biggest challenge and needs currently facing the city is maintaining our infrastructure.” I particularly enjoyed his humorous conclusion, when he added, “Without having to raise the taxes and fees…” That’s funny; without raising taxes and fees. What a kidder that Marty is.
Humor aside, the future revolves around the reality of the present. Only those persons attuned to the present will rationally adapt to the future. Regardless, the best thing for Waitsburg is happening right now, before our very eyes; change.
When attending a funeral service, discussions will usually revolve around the past life and will typically elicit fond memories of the way things use to be. After the service and the condolences have been exchanges, we walk out of that wonderful past, into the air of the present; the air of change.
Most people do not necessarily want change; they prefer things the way they are. As an example, the Nestles Corporation expressed an interest in possibly developing a water bottling facility in Waitsburg. Alas, it was not to be. However, inquiring minds would like to know why it didn’t happen. It is said, if you expect a good answer, you have to ask the right question.
Questions to those opposed to Nestles: What did you find so offensive about the proposal from Nestles to the city? Bad question: You did not wait to hear from Nestles before emotionally opposing the very idea of a bottling plant or even if Nestles wanted to invest in Waitsburg.
A better question: To all who opposed all things Nestles, Will you, in the future, continue to make decisions for the future of City of Waitsburg, based solely on your emotions and without the benefit of all the evidence?
I’m 100% positive that anyone on trial for their life would demand that a jury hear all the evidence before reaching a verdict. Citizens of Waitsburg should expect nothing less from their city council; that they hear all the evidence before reaching a verdict.
A proper assessment of the present evidence is as crucial to the future as oxygen is to life. As I began, all citizens are concerned. Come, let us reason together.
William Walker
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