City Council approved agreements for S. First St. and W. Main Street Projects
DAYTON—Action was taken at last week’s city council meeting to award the South First Street Reconstruction Contract. The contract was awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, which was POW Contracting, of Pasco, for an amount not to exceed $1,167,431.32.
The project start date is tentatively set for June 1, according to Mayor Craig George.
The city council also authorized the transportation improvement board supplement consultant agreement for the construction phase of the South First Street Reconstruction Project with Anderson/Perry & Associates, for an amount not to exceed $85,000.
The TIB supplement consultant agreement for the construction phase of the West Main Street sidewalk project, with Anderson/Perry & Associates, for an amount not to exceed $24,000, was also approved by the city council. The project is going out to bid this week, according to Mayor George.
George said the city has applied for funds through the TIB that could be used for repairs on Washington Street, which has sustained major damage due to inclement weather, and the city is currently going through the process with FEMA for help with that.
The council also took action to affirm the Department of Ecology’s approval of the Shoreline Master Plan, with one change.
Planning Director Karen Scharer said the setback in urban conservancy zones will be changed from 150 feet to 125 feet, allowing the property owners an additional 25 feet.
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