Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - May 4, 2017

Ten Years Ago

May 10, 2007

The site of the former John Smith Implement and Hardware, known locally as “The Hole,” is in the process of being “renovated” for new uses. About two-thirds of it has been leveled and seeded to grass and the other one third may soon be outdoor dining for customers of the Whoop ‘Em Up Hollow Café. John and Marilyn Stellwagen, owners of the larger segment, are interested in hearing what might be done with the wall on the south side. John Stellwagen envisions a mural of some kind on it and is asking the community to submit proposals.

A mother’s love knows no bounds, it is said, and Marie Gagnon is living proof. For 158 hours she patiently, painstakingly and, we might add, perfectly hand carved a beautiful sign that will be mounted inside the main entryway at the U.S. Coast Guard station in Alaska where her son Jarod Gagnon, and Electronic Technician (ET2), is stationed.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 7, 1992

Valedictorian Michele Marie White and salutatorian Charles Joe McCown will lead the 1992 graduating class of Waitsburg High school at the school’s 97th commencement ceremonies Tuesday, May 26 in the high school auditorium.

Little munchkins were out on Seventh Street Friday evening, distributing May baskets. A pleasant surprise to welcome in May.

Public installation of officers of Rainbow Assembly #68 will be held Sunday afternoon May 10 at 3 p.m. Andrea Jacoy, worthy advisor-elect.

The Waitsburg Booster Club, which is in formation, is sponsoring a contest for a logo. Frank Reser, of Waitsburg, said the contest is open to anyone and the deadline for entries is May 20.

Waitsburg FFA and 4-H members did extremely well at the 57th annual Junior Livestock Show of Spokane this week, including Diane Conover, who won grand champion for 4-H market class steer. Remarkably, it was the third year in a row a member of the Conover family has won the top award of the show in market –class steer. Sandra Conover won for the past two years.

Fifty Years Ago

May 4, 1967

Photo caption: Bill Zuger, member of the Board of Directors of the Days of Real Sport, places the Queen’s crown on Sherrie Donnelly at the high point of the Coronation Ball held late Saturday night in Waitsburg. Queen Sherrie and her court members, Carmen Davis and Gwyn Ferguson will reign over the 54th annual running of this community event.

Photo caption: Gun Club Shotgun awards were won by: Fred Sprankel (4th), Gerald Vollmer (2nd), and Ben Sutton (1st) . 3rd place was won by Clyde Blessinger. Junior winners of the Gun Club competition were: Les Richardson (2nd), Charles Baker (1st), John Nordheim (3rd), and Bruce Abbey (High Individual).Winners in the Gun Club Sub-Junior shooting were: Glen Smith (3rd), Linda Towers (2nd), and Greg Leid (1st).

Harold Meinberg, who has been an active participant in Days of Real Sport activities for many years, will serve as parade marshal for the 1967 event.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 15, 1942

Miss Gloria Jeanne Ray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ray, was presented as “Miss Waitsburg” during intermission Saturday night at the Days of Real Sport.

Helen Lloyd was salutatorian and Pat Hirsch valedictorian at the commencement program Thursday.

Lawrence Fullerton is stationed at Scott Field, Illinois with the U.S. Army and Wayne Fullerton is at San Diego, Ca. with the U.S. Navy.

Over fifty guests and members enjoyed the Progressive Club Musicale held Thursday afternoon in the Mrs. Marcus Zuger home on Main Street.

One Hundred Years Ago

May 11, 1917

In order to meet the increasing wages being paid on farms of this section, and to keep men in the county road crews, the board of county commissioners Monday voted to increase the pay to $3 per day instead of $2.75 as formerly.

Mrs. Willa Ogden invited her Sunday School class out to her pleasant home on Preston Avenue last Saturday afternoon from two to four o’clock. Those present were Ethel Newman, Louise Ramseur, Laura Pemburton, and Katie Martin.

The closing exercises for Waitsburg High School were held Thursday evening, May 17. The following comprise the class of 1917: Cecil Arnold, Neva Buroker, Wallace Beckley, Naomi Danielson, Dewey Danielson, Ethel Free, Paul Free, Roberta Houtchens, Freda Hosley, Burr Hosley, Cecil Hosley, Kittie Miller, Herschel Piatt, Julia Ramseur, Harriet Steward, Paul Talbott, Charles Vollmer and Guy Warren.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 13, 1892

The O. & W. T. Co. will immediately enlarge their stockyards in this city. There is also some talk to the effect that a new depot will soon be erected in this city, by that company.

People who are at a loss to account for the disappearance of their cows may be able to find them at the pound, by bringing $1. The marshal is determined to allow the streets to be used as a pasture no longer.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian Church will give an ice cream and strawberry festival in the near future, or if the weather be fine, in a grove.


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