Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School Board Update

June 14, 2017

Board members present: Ross Hamann, Christy House, Randy Pearson, Marilyn Johnson, Russ Knopp.

Facilities/Maintenance/Transportation Report:

-Supervisor Colter Mohney said he had made a clerical error in figures given for the Preston Hall lighting upgrade. He said the total error was $3,200, but $1,000 of that included a buffer. The total cost to the district will be $5364 rather than $3164. It is anticipated that the upgrade will save the district $4250, annually. The board directed Mohney to move forward with the upgrade.

-Mohney requested that the board purchase at least one truckload of bark for the playground, at a cost of $2,700. The bark currently doesn’t meet depth standards and could become a safety/liability issue.

-He explained that the light poles on the football field have twisted as they dried and need to be straightened to properly direct the light. The cost to straighten them, which requires two trucks and an auger, is expected to be $3,500. The board approved both summer projects.

Superintendent Report:

-The district averaged 292.02 students, which was 20 above budgeted.

-School counselor Rosy Nechodom served 52 students, hosted 28 lunch/social skills groups, and held 511 counseling sessions over the year.

-Replacement of the Academy St. sidewalk is slated to take place in July. The playground fence along the sidewalk will be removed right away.

-The district successfully negotiated a contract with Design West Architects for the capital improvement projects.

-The state audit was completed with no findings and a few recommendations. A food service audit found minor record-keeping errors.

-This was the first year the district opted not to charge band instrument rental fees and repairs were $2,700, which was less than the $3,000 budgeted.

-Board Chair Ross Hamann and board member Randy Pearson have filed for re-election and are running unopposed.

New Business:

-A full athletic combine with Dayton was disapproved for the 2017-18 school year, with the intent to approve in 2018-19. (See story on Page 1.)

-High School Principal Stephanie Wooderchak gave an assessment update.

-Approved budget extensions to the Capital Projects Fund and the Debt Service Fund to allow for income/debt resulting from the approved capital projects levy.

-Approved the contract for the secondary principal following a short discussion about the value/expectations associated with living in the district residence.

-Approved the hire of part-time custodian Rick Suchodolski as full-time custodian, effective June 19. The hire will cost the district $3,800 plus benefits for the remainder of the 2016-17 school year, and an additional $18,700 plus benefits for the coming year.

-Approved $40,000, the same amount as last year, toward supporting the ECEAP preschool. Superintendent Carol Clarke said the preschool might ask for a commitment of $70,000 if they become full and move to two sessions.

-Athletic budgets were approved with the board denying several items. Hotel rooms for a non-league Yakima tournament for volleyball were denied because the tournament is optional and has been paid for from ASB funds in the past. Fifteen duffel bags for wrestlers were denied because they already have six and a a heavy turnout is unlikely. Uniforms were denied for boys and girls basketball, with the anticipation that new uniforms will be purchased in 2018-19 when the teams combine with Dayton.

-Approved the hire of students Kirsten Miller and Kevin Murphy to work on summer projects.

-Approved the hire of PE Teacher Mark Mauri as middle school football coach.

-Approved the hire of Bailey Carlson as fifth grade teacher. Carlson was selected from a pool of seven applicants, which resulted in three interviews.


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