Charcoal renderings showcase churches and cows of Colombia
DAYTON – Dayton artist Steve Henderson and his wife, Carolyn, were a bit apprehensive when their son, Jordan, announced his desire to visit Colombia. Now that Jordan is home safe-and-sound, his parents can breathe a sigh of relief and take pride and enjoyment in sharing the art Jordan created during his adventure.
Steve and Carolyn had bicycled through Colombia 30 years prior, and felt they had little option other than to be encouraging and supportive when their son said he wanted a similar experience. Jordan's reasons – learning a second language and a desire to travel abroad – were ones they could identify with.
Jordan spent a month in Colombia in 2015 and spent another three months there in 2016-17. While there, he immersed himself in the Spanish language and culture. An artist, like his father, he would set up his easel in parks and pathways, capturing the sights and experiences in charcoal.
Jordan stayed with friends and visited everything from large metropolitan centers to tiny hamlets in the grasslands of the llanos. In Pamplona, he spent days drawing the city's many beautiful churches and cathedrals. In the llanos, he became enthralled with the distinctive cattle of Colombia that are a mixture of European and Indian breeds. He snapped photos for later study and did plein air studies in the field.
"Cows are a fantastic drawing subject. Sometimes they regard you with great suspicion; other times they barely manage to give you an uninterested gaze before they return to their grazing, as if you are the most boring thing in the world," Jordan told his mother.
Jordan, also a talented carver, says his long-range goal is to become a full-time artist so that he can spend his time doing what he loves. He is the Featured Pacific Northwest Artist at the Wenaha Gallery (219 E. Main) from Mon., July 3 – Sat., July 29. There will be a special art show Sat., July 15, over Alumni Weekend where Jordan will be available to share his adventures and answer questions.
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