Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

Aug. 2, 2007

Retirement for Waitsburg Postmaster Don Maiuri will not include lots of golf, fishing and shuffleboard. The 34-year veteran of the U.S. Postal Service wrapped up a ten-plus year stint at the Waitsburg Post Office this week, but retirement will mean more time available to devote to the small business he and his wife Jerri operate, Cugini, and Italian foods store in Walla Walla.

Since opening on July 1, business at jimgermanbar, one of Waitsburg’s newest establishments, has been good. Located in the former Odd Fellows Hall, the bar joins AMO, an art gallery, in giving the venerable old structure a new lease on life.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 30, 1992

A 100-pound cougar killed by a truck on Highway 12 near Waitsburg recently was probably looking for new hunting territory after being run out of the mountains by a larger cat, a wildlife biologist said last week. Pat Fowler, of the department of wildlife, said the four-year-old female mountain lion had likely followed Coppei Creek northwesterly from higher in the Blue Mountains and tried to cross Highway 12 near the Coppei bridge, at the south end of town.

Waitsburg Lions donated $200 to help local athlete Micki McCoy with expenses as she competes in the national Junior Olympics today, July 30, in Los Angeles.

Fifty Years Ago

July 27, 1967

Unseasonably hot weather during late May and early June has caused the wheat yields for the Waitsburg area to be 12 to 14 bushels per acre less than the 1966 crop, said John Egli, manager of the Touchet Valley grain Growers, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Payne and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Broom enjoyed the Atomic Cup races at Richland Sunday. David Hevel and Dan Bickelhaupt spent Saturday night in the Tri-Cities in order to be on hand for the Atomic Cup hydro races Sunday.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 31, 1942

Frank Zuger received internal injuries Saturday morning when he was working on the engine of a combine and the crank broke loose knocking him unconscious for a time.

Secretary of Agrictulture Wickard Tuesday urged farmers to send a big share of their new herd of hogs to market earlier than usual this fall to avert a serious shortage of pork.

Jim Kinder has begun barley harvest at the ranch and Andy Hermans is harvesting it for him, and reports a good crop.

Along with other American soldiers who were sent to Australia since the outbreak of war with Japan is Capt. William Mantz who is now experiencing his second winter down under.

One Hundred Years Ago

August 3, 1917

Grain men are not the only ones who have suffered on account of the winds of last week, reports from the fruit district stating that much of the prune and apple crop was shaken from the limbs by the winds.

John Ertle damaged his Maxwell car badly when he got out of the car to chase some cattle away from a gate and failed to set the brake tight enough to hold the car on the hillside.

“If Franklin County could give one fourth and Walla Walla County one fourth, I will recommend that the state put up the remainder of the money to construct a steel bridge across the Snake River to connect Walla Walla and Franklin Counties” said James Allen State Highway Commissioner last week.

FOR SALE – Header Box Whips – An exceptionally large line from which to select, and at prices that are right. We want you to see this line of whips. Waitsburg Harness Shop, C.B. Williams, proprietor.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 5, 1892

Last Monday morning when E. D. Mills went out to milk his cows he found the work had already been thoroughly done by hoboes.

One thresher threshed 2000 bushels of wheat on Martin Hauber’s place one day this week. It has to be good wheat for one machine to thresh that much on one day.

Our town is a little quiet now but soon it will undergo a transition. The building of a new steel bridge, the putting in of an electric system and the building of a waterworks, will make things lively.

Three Chinamen were held up on Main Street Sunday night but not having any money, lost none.

The prohibition party will put a full ticket in the field in this county. The date of the convention has not yet been fixed.


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