Millrace and Taggart roads are current Priorities for City Consideration
WAITSBURG – At their July 19 regular meeting, the Waitsburg city council unanimously approved the city’s updated 6-year transportation plan. The plan must be updated annually, and includes a list of transportation projects that could reasonably be accomplished over a six year period, though most sit on the list longer than that, according to City Manager Randy Hinchliffe.
The only change between this year and last is the addition of an item to consider widening the south end of east 7th Street, just before it reaches Highway 12, Hinchliffe said.
Hinchliffe said a current focus is on improving the grade crossing at the Millrace Road railroad crossing near the old mill site. The railroad owns the track, but the city is responsible for the approaches on either side, making the road meet the track.
“Anyone who goes down that hill knows you’d better take it slow or you’ll end up over the edge,” he said.
Hinchliffe said they have discussed taking out some of the dogleg to the south, cutting into the road a bit to smooth it out so there’s not such a blind spot going over the hill; basically straightening the road a bit so the angles in and out are flatter. He also suggested and adding new concrete railroad pads, a guardrail, and warning signs.
The second focus is determining the best way to extend Taggart Road to Highway 12.
Council member KC Kuykendall mentioned that there is no item to rework the Preston Ave. to Coppei Ave. interchange, especially the right hand turn coming from Walla Walla to Dayton.
Hinchliffe said that because it is a state highway, it will be on a state list rather than a highway list. He said he had heard the Dept. of Transportation will be looking at the area in 5-6 years.
Council member Terry Jacoy asked about the Park & Ride lot which would be located on the corner of E. 1st Street and Main Street. Hinchliffe said that would simply be a cover for people to get out of the weather while waiting for the bus. At this point, Columbia County Transportation pretty much picks people up wherever they are, he said.
Hinchliffe said some projects, such as replacement of the 7th Street Coppei Creek Bridge are “Pie-in-the-Sky” but something to be kept on the radar.
The current 6 Year Plan includes the following projects, listed by priority, as well as the cost and status of each.
City wide street maintenance $10,000 ongoing, annual
City wide sidewalk repair/replace $10,000 ongoing, annual
Millrace railroad crossing imp. $350, 000 No funding obligated
Taggart Road Extension $1,000,000 No funding obligated
E. 7th Street Widening $50,000 No funding obligated
Bolles Road Overlay $250,000 No funding obligated
City Wide Storm Water $500,000 No funding obligated
Park and Ride Lot Development $5,000 No funding obligated
West 7th Coppei Creek Bridge $1,000,000 No funding obligated
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