Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - September 7, 2017

Ten Years Ago

September 13, 2007

Marguerite Anna (Heinen) Ganguet, who dies August 20, 2007, was to have been the honored Pioneer of the Year at the 35th annual Pioneer Fall Festival, slated for Sunday, September 16 at the Bruce Memorial Museum in Waitsburg. She will be honored posthumously in a brief ceremony at about noon.

First quarters are usually spent as each team sees what the other is made of and more often than not, both teams have the jitters or are fairly equally matched and they grind and toil back and forth a few possessions. Not so in Waitsburg last Friday. On the second play of Waitsburg-Prescott’s first possession in the game, Jace Zuger broke through the line and scampered 87 yards for the Cardinal’s first touchdown and W-P never trailed again, eventually notching a 32-13 non-league win.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 10, 1992

The Farmer’s Café is opening in Waitsburg on Sept. 15. Don Collier has resumed ownership of the Waitsburg Inn and will change the name of the downtown Waitsburg restaurant. He said he picked the name Farmer’s Café because, as he put it, “It’s their place – the farm community.”

A fast-spreading fire fueled by oil-soaked wood, destroyed the old Hinchliffe Trucking Co. building at Second and Warren streets in Waitsburg Saturday, Sept. 5. It was a spectacular day-time blaze that caused evacuations and knocked out power in downtown. Fire and sheriff’s investigators said origins of the fire, in an oil and diesel fuel storage area on the northside of the 80 by 100 foot building were “suspicious.”

Fifty Years Ago

September 7, 1967

The kickoff event of the Waitsburg 1967 busy season will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 7:00 when Commercial Club holds the annual salmon bake. This community institution is under the direction of Ernest Mikkelsen with an assist from a capable crew of cooks and servers. Tickets, which are $2.50 each, went on sale this week in Waitsburg business houses. This year’s crowd is expected to top last year’s figure of 390 plus.

Enrollment in the Waitsburg schools on opening day was 456 pupils – the same figure as on the opening day last year.

On September 2 the Waitsburg judging team went to the Southeastern Washington fair and received fifth place. The judging team was made up of Joe Gagnon, Larry Conover, and Bobby Johnson. Bobby Johnson was the thirteenth highest in individual rating.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

September 11, 1942

The harvest season of the Waitsburg territory was but complete at the end of the last week with but a few small patches remaining to be threshed. The season was somewhat longer than usual, made necessary by the shortage of labor, and the down grain.

Mrs. M. C. Walker had news of a new granddaughter born Saturday, Sept 5 to Mr. and Mrs.Virgil Carpenter of Kent, Wash. The young lady has been named Linda Lee.

Every citizen of Waitsburg and surrounding communities is urged to take part in the Junk Rally Day, which will be Saturday, Sept 12 when scrap of all kinds will be collected at the Hirsch lot or the city lot to be sent for use as war materials. The committee, in charge of Mayor Call, issues a plea for everyone to cooperate by bringing in any junk, namely rubber, scarp metal, grease fat, etc.

One Hundred Years Ago

September 17, 1917

Wheat hauling is in full progress, and the roads leading to the warehouses are lined with four-horse and six-horse teams hauling 90 to 100 sacks of golden grain, which are worth real money.

Mandus Rice was in town a few days ago carrying himself in a sling as the result of falling off the water wagon on Monday of last week. He has been driving water wagon in the harvesting outfit of A. W. Wisdom near Prescott and stepped off the high tank with result to fracture several ribs.

Born at the farm home in this county, Friday, September 7, to Forrest Conover and wife, a daughter. The young lady’s name is Charity Maxine. May she grow up to be as fine a young woman as her mother.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian Church spent the day at the J. D. Taggard home east of town, Wednesday, carding wool. A big dinner at noon, furnished largely by Mrs. Taggard, was a most enjoyable feature. About 25 ladies were present.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 16, 1892

Prior to her departure, a number of Mrs. C. C. Johnson’s friends presented her a very handsome silver fruit basket as a token of high esteem in which that noble lady is held by her Waitsburg friends.

The Water Works bonds arrived on Wednesday and are now being signed by Mayor Parton and Clerk Ormsbee. The signature of each of these officials has to be affixed in 1228 places, Lewis Neace’s team made the dust fly Monday evening as they went bounding out of town without a driver. No damage done.

Mrs. J. W. Morgan and Miss Jennie Roberts left this morning for a visit to friends in Tacoma, Seattle, and Portland.


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