WALLA WALLA - A free prostate screening clinic will be Oct. 26 from 5 -7 p.m. at the Providence St. Mary Regional Cancer Center at the corner of Seventh Avenue and Willow Street.
Urologists Dr. John Sislow of the Walla Walla Clinic and Dr. David Hutton and Dr. Josh Spendlove of the Providence Medical Group will offer the screening for men aged 50 and over, and for younger men with a father or brother who has had prostate cancer, or who are at a higher risk for prostate cancer due to other factors. The digital rectal exam is free. Prostate specific antigen tests (a blood test) are available for an additional fee for those who request them.
Appointments are required by calling 509-897-5700. A preference will be given to individuals who otherwise would not be able to afford a screening. Patients of Dr. Sislow, Dr. Hutton or Dr. Spendlove and those currently being seen for prostate cancer are not eligible for this free screening.
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