Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

City Council Update

Sept. 20, 2017

-Passed traffic code and animal control updates. See story at left.

-Adopted the updated Capital Facilities Plan

-Approved city manager to seek a $750,000 line of credit for infrastructure financing. See story on Page 1.

-Approved payment #4 on Main Street Bridge project.

-Approved payment #1 on sidewalk project. Sidewalk project is estimated to be just over half completed.

-Agreed to organize a grandstands task force and allow them three months to report on a repair/demolition plan and another three months to return with a financing plan.

-Discussed illegal/underage/destructive/unsafe motorcycle and ATV use within the city limits, especially around the fairgrounds. Council requested that the city manager contact the sheriff’s department about stepping up enforcement.

-Brian Callahan has resigned from the public works crew and the city is advertising for a part time person to fill in through the end of the year.

-Discussed the merits of continuing to work toward funding a Flood Mitigation Study through the Corps of Engineers.


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