* “New shoes too tight? Wear a pair of thick socks, and slip your shoes on. Run a hair dryer over the areas where it’s too tight, and the heat will help those spots expand. Test in an inconspicuous area first if you are unsure that the fabric can take the heat!” -- C.W. in Oregon
* “Want to seal your sugar bag (or any all-plastic bag)? Fold over the top at least an inch, and cover the fold with a strip of aluminum foil -- both sides. Lay the bag on its side. Iron the fold, which is trapped inside the foil. It melts the plastic inside. Let cool and remove the foil.” -- R.Y. in Kentucky
* Need to get into a crevice for cleaning? Position a condiment cap (the ones that come with a squirt bottle) on the hose of a vacuum. Now you can get the crumbs in a keyboard or that little spot under the fridge, etc.
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