* It was beloved 20th-century American poet, memoirist and civil-rights activist Maya Angelou who made the following sage observation: “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.”
* You might be surprised to learn that in terms of holiday retail sales, Halloween is second only to Christmas.
* If you’re a fan of beer and/or space, you might be interested in Celeste Jewel Beer. This ale, created by Delaware-based Dogfish Head Brewery, has a unique ingredient: moon dust. Yep -- lunar meteorites were crushed into dust, then steeped in Dogfish Head’s Oktoberfest offering. The resulting libation, it’s said, possesses a subtle but complex earthiness, with notes of doughy malt, toasted bread, subtle caramel and a light herbal bitterness.
* Those who study such things say that there is enough phosphorus in your body to make about 250 matches.
* Bayreuth Festspielhaus is an opera house north of Bayreuth, Germany. The venue is dedicated to the performance of works by Richard Wagner, and the 19th-century German composer himself chose and adapted the design. A key component is the seating: Not only are the seats arranged to give all attendees an equal and uninterrupted view of the stage, but they’re also rather uncomfortable. It’s been reported that Wagner intentionally chose exceptionally hard wooden seats to prevent the audience from treating his operas as fun.
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