Ten Years Ago
October 25, 2017
Felicia Brown was crowned Homecoming Queen, and John Gertsch was named Homecoming King at the annual Homecoming Dance last Saturday.
The Waitsburg Fifth Grade Family Fun & Fitness 5K Run/Walk fundraiser garnered about $2,000 for the class to put toward its ski program in January. There were 81 entries plus a lot of community donations, said Pam Conover teacher, and folks from the small to the tall turned out to walk or run the 5K route out Eighth Street and Wilson Hollow Road.
Dayton General Hospital is one of four Washington hospitals recognized by a program aimed at reducing the spread of antibiotic-resistant infection through simple hand washing.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 22, 1992
Waitsburg High School’s first dramatic offering in years will be a whodunit. Roseann Delp, the school’s drama teacher, says her troupe of actors is ready for its debut Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m. in the school auditorium.
Waitsburg’s football team has an overall grade point average of 2.9278 and the volleyball team’s is slightly higher at 2.9368, according to high school principal Dan Butler. He said the teams missed by only hundredths of a point of making a 3.0 GPA.
The Bullseye tavern celebrated the 100th birthday of the Morgan building Friday, Oct. 16, with a party that included a karaoke machine. Gus Lybecker sang the first tune on the karaoke machine. After that, joked Lybecker, the singing only improved. He said the place was packed with well-wishers all evening.
Fifty Years Ago
October 19, 1967
A four generation dinner was held on Friday, Oct. 13th, at Ginny’s Grill with Gilbert Hundleby as guest of honor.
Dorcas Society met with Mrs. James D. Stonecipher, for a 12:30 potluck luncheon on Wednesday, Oct. 11. Mrs. Lloyd Piper was assistant hostess. Luncheon committee appointed for the District convention to be held here on Oct. 28 included Loette Keiser, Adelle Ganguet, Sherrill Conover, Betty Davis and Ruby Candaux.
The Times Football Contest ended in an 8-way tie for honors with 15 correct, but Howard French of Dayton took home the bacon with a tie-breaking guess that was just 4 yards from being smack on.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
October 23, 1942
Barbara Bachmann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bachmann, was recently chosen as sponsor of Company A, R.O.T.C. of the State College at Pullman. She was also chosen as a member of the Women’s Service Crops.
The Waitsburg Commercial Club voted Tuesday evening to take action along with Dayton and Pomeroy to obtain better mail service for the route that serves the three towns.
Despite the war conditions, may hunters took part in the sport of shooting upland birds Sunday. The warm dry weather has been a handicap for dogs but ideal for field tramping.
One Hundred Years Ago
October 26, 1917
Born at the farm home near this city Saturday, Oct. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zuger, a daughter weighing 10 pounds.
Rock St. Jacque arrived Friday, after an absence of two months with his trotting horse on the racing circuit.
One of the most enjoyable events of the week was a theatre party given Tuesday at the local theatre by Mrs. Montgomery and daughter Miss Georgia is the verdict of those who were at the party.
The First National Bank will remain open evenings the rest of this week to accommodate those desiring to make subscription to the Liberty Loan.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 28, 1892
We have received a copy of a very neat 48-page pamphlet entitled: “Prohibition Party Campaign textbook” for the state of Washington. Among its portraits of distinguished gentlemen appears a very fine picture of A. C. Dickinson, candidate for Congress.
Mrs. Vinnie Purrington entertained in royal style a host of friends on Thursday evening. An elegant collation was one of the attractive features of the evening’s program.
Quite a large crowd gathered on Tuesday afternoon to witness the balloon ascension by Prof. Miller. It was advertised for Monday but owing to high winds it was postponed until Tuesday when it was successfully made.
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