Waitsburg Resource Center touches lives thanks to a supportive community
It was Dicie Hagerman, the Waitsburg School District Secretary for many years, who saw a need for winter coats and started collecting much-needed warm wear for kids and adults in the community.
But three women, Anita Baker, Dona Jean Smith, and Betty Lou Branson, from the Presbyterian Church and the Christian Church also saw a need for providing food to people in the Waitsburg community. As a result they organized, in 1991, a food bank in the basement of the Presbyterian Christian Education Building. For a while, clothing was also provided, but later, as Anita would say, "We decided to discontinue clothing but had jackets/coats." However, food was the mainstay, all donated privately.
But in 2010 a set of circumstances, instigated by BA Keve, with God's mighty hand, afforded the food bank the opportunity to relocate to its current site in the side portion of what is now the Banner Bank on Main and Preston Avenue. Under the direction of board members, The Waitsburg Catholic, Christian, and Presbyterian churches, the now-registered non-profit food bank became the Waitsburg Resource Center, a faith-based ministry serving the Waitsburg-Prescott school district area.
A new mission was declared:
"The Waitsburg Resource Center exists to serve persons and families in the local community by responding to physical, relational and spiritual needs as an expression of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; through the providing of tangible resources, or information and referral to resources that will best serve our neighbors. Our spiritual mission shall be: That all who are lost, hurting, or in need may find the love of Christ here."
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him. Romans 15:13
Instead of just food, the center would become a place where neighbors could find additional information to meet their needs and where they could go when they needed additional help. As a center, we continue to look for ways to help others in the community.
The Resource Center now receives food items donated by community members (which we call in-kind donations) at about 12,000 pounds a year.
The center also receives items from food drives and monetary support from:
Leo's and Lions Clubs
Banner Bank
US Postal Service
Private monetary donations from individuals and local churches (Catholic, Presbyterian and Christian)
Local clubs including: Waitsburg Classic Car Club,Walla Walla-Columbia County School Retirees, Waitsburg High School Honor Society and FCCLA, 4-H Clubs, Waitsburg Preston Hall Middle School, and more
Not to mention the dozens of eggs donated monthly, in-season vegetables, and personal hygiene and cleaning products. The generosity of community members is amazing!
Once a month we order food through the Blue Mountain Action Council (BMAC) in Walla Walla. BMAC gets its food from contracted grocery stores that BMAC purchases from with state and federal monies as well as through Second Harvest and Feeding America.
The WRC can only function because of our many volunteers. Some of those volunteers include:
Over 19 volunteers who serve monthly during our open hours which are Thursdays from 2-4 p.m. and Saturdays from 9-1 a.m., and also by need.
Six men who unload the BMAC deliveries
Our board members who provide reports, scheduling, and ordering food.
The Waitsburg High School Honor Society whose has two to four students who work every third Saturday
Here are some interesting facts:
The WRC serves an average of 50 families each month
We give out about 15,000 pounds of groceries a year, which equals about eight tons of food
As a resource center we:
Provide free lunches and an activity for children during the winter school break
Support the local pool with a free swim and hot dog feed
Provide snacks for the library summer reading program
Offer summer activities
Sponsor the Weekend Bite2Go Program for school children who need meals over the weekends
Sponsor the High School Back Pack Program which provides food for needy high school students
Sponsor free dental clinics
Provided a bike safety clinic and free bike helmets
Purchased emergency preparedness blankets and flashlights to be available to the community in case of emergency
Sponsored a community emergency preparedness class
We invite community members to come visit us, take a look around and share some conversation. We continue to look for ways that we can meet our neighbors' needs.
Remember, the Waitsburg Resource Center is only possible because of the generous support of community members, local businesses and people like you. We thank you.
Waitsburg is truly One of a Kind.
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