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County Puts Hold on Facilities Improvement Plan

Commissioners will revisit an updated plan in January

DAYTON—Speaking before the Board of County Commissioners at last week’s regular board meeting on Mon., Oct.16, County Planner Meagan Bailey said some language was changed in the county’s Facilities Improvement Plan regarding potential impacts to the horse stalls ‘in order to be sensitive to the wishes of a select group”.

Bailey also said language had been added stating, “The County will not and does not have any intention of competing with local enterprise regarding a possible RV Park.”

The fairgrounds RV Park will only be open and available during larger events, she said.

Bailey said there is a flexibility clause in the plan and the county has no responsibility to apply any of the items in the plan.

“This is just a base to get moving, step, by step, by step,” Bailey said.

Following Bailey’s presentation, Julia Mead, President of the Columbia County Friends of the Fairgrounds, and J. E. McCaw, representing Dayton Golf and Country Club, presented their missions and objectives for the fairgrounds and golf course to the BOCC.

Mead told the commissioners the goals of the CCFF are to assure the fairgrounds are for public purposes and to keep the grounds rural, historic and viable.

Of primary importance to McCaw is getting a limited scope underground sprinkler system installed at the golf course and to continue to create a decent revenue stream.

“We don’t want to have one interest group against another. We want to work cooperatively,” McCaw emphasized.

Commissioners Mike Talbott and Merle Jackson reiterated the importance of having a plan, in the first place, which is to apply for grants.

Commissioner Jackson said, “It is a living document. It is to make this a nice facility, a community facility. We needed some place to start.”

“I don’t look at this as a major change in philosopy,” he added.

Commissioner Mike Talbott agreed and said, “The more people working together, the more we can solve this.”

In her report, Bailey noted recent efforts on her part and on the part of CCFF member Marcene Hendricksen, to obtain a $2,000 grant, to repair the fascia on the roof of the White Barn.

Mead said the CCFF is looking into forming a non-profit 501c3, and she hopes to bring the Dayton Chamber of Commerce on board to help with marketing for quilt shows, poker runs and horse shows.

She said some of the immediate goals for the CCFF are to see whether the east grandstand can be salvaged and address the problem of inadequate restroom facilities at the Pavilion, which is an item identified in the County Facilities Improvement Plan as a top priority.

Commissioner Talbott agreed that the BOCC would be willing to attend some future CCFF committee meetings.

On Wed., Oct. 18 a large group of people came before the BOCC and asked that the Facilities Improvement Plan not be adopted that day, without further changes to some of the language in the plan, including replacing the word “plan” with the word “vision,” and striking the words “remove” and “demolish” from the document.

The BOCC agreed to postpone any action until the first of the year, so that interested parties could have more time to provide their thoughts and ideas for the improvement of the fairgrounds facilities.


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