Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Leena Baker Is New City Council Student Representative

Leena will be the third Baker to hold the position

WAITSBURG – Tim and Heather Baker were in attendance at last week's city council meeting to show support as their daughter, Leena Baker, was sworn in as student council representative. This will be the third time the Baker's have proudly watched one of their children commit to an active role in the city's political process.

Fletcher Baker became the very first Waitsburg City Council student representative in 2011, as a high school senior. Logan Dozier served in 2012 and Leena's sister, Meara, took the oath in 2013. Now it is the youngest Baker's turn to serve as a liaison between the council and area teens.

Student representatives do not cast votes, but do offer input during meetings. Other student representatives have been Emma Philbrook, Stuart Walsh and Timber Frohreich.

Leena said that politics have always been relevant in the Baker household.

"Both my parents are very political. We're always discussing the news and what is going on," she said.

Leena said that watching her siblings serve on city council and seeing Meara become involved in the Alumni Association following graduation factored into her choice to apply for student representative.

"I saw what fun they had and what doors opened and the opportunities it gave them, and wanted to do the same," she said.

As a student representative Leena is a well-rounded liaison. She plays volleyball, participates in knowledge bowl, is on National Honor Society, is a third-year Youth & Government member, is on the yearbook, serves as junior class secretary and plays in the Walla Walla Youth Symphony Orchestra. She said her name is already on the list to attend Girl's State this summer.

Leena said she has enjoyed her experience with Youth & Government, learning about government on a state level, and is interested to now be involved on a city level.

"I think it will be interesting to compare the differences and I want to learn more about state, federal, and city politics," she said.

When asked what her goal as a student representative will be, Leena said she is keeping an open mind, at this point.

"To be completely honest, I have no expectations. I'm not sure how it's supposed to be since this is new to me. I don't have any specific goals. I do know that I want to be able to be involved with the students and will be talking with them and sharing about meetings. I'd like to relay news to the ASB officers and get the high school more involved," she said. "I'm really excited for it and so looking forward to this and next year!"


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