Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg City Council Update

November 15, 2017

Council members: Terry Jacoy, Kevin House, Jim Romine, Kate Hockersmith, Mayor Marty Dunn. Council member KC Kuykendall was excused.

-Sherwood Trust CEO Danielle Garbe and Grants and Programs Administrator Lydia Caudill discussed the Sherwood Trust grant program and expressed their interest in partnering with and supporting Waitsburg. Caudill noted that Sherwood Trust also offers community training and asked if Waitsburg would be interested in a leadership program training. The pair had engaged in a community meet-and-greet at Town Hall earlier in the evening.

- Army Corps of Engineers Planner Rebecca Kalamasz sought input from the council regarding whether or not the city will enter into a cost-share agreement for a flood feasibility study. The item was tabled until next month when council member KC Kuykendall could be present, to make a decision. See story on Page 7.

-City opted not to take the allowable 1% property tax increase and to bank the increase.

-City Manager Randy Hinchliffe presented the 2018 Preliminary Budget. A narrative version of the budget will be presented at the December meeting, for final approval.

-Budget amendments were made to include: $41,500 to the City Street Fund ($26,000 TIB grant for W. 8th Street, $50,000 in 9/10th Port sales tax grant, less anticipated TIB funds not received due to DOT paperwork delays) $8,000 in additional real estate excise taxes from property sales (Municipal Capital Improvement Fund) and a $100,000 line of credit draw from Community Bank for sewer siphon work (Water and Sewer Fund.

-Approved payment #6 on Main Street Bridge and payment #3 on sidewalk projects.

-Approved application for payment for Main/8th St. resurfacing and application for payment for sewer siphon bursting.

-Leena Baker took oath of office as city council student representative. See story on Page 7.


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