Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - Nov. 23, 2017

Ten Years Ago

November 29, 2007

Waitsburg’s Streetscape Renovation Project, beset by delays and setbacks, got a $140,000 boost this week. “This is a real shot in the arm for Waitsburg’s Main Street.” said Ross Hamann, chairman of the Waitsburg Community Revitalization Committee (WRC).

Columbia County Health System CEO Bruce Grimshaw has resigned and will be leaving for a job as chief operating officer (COO) at a Victorville, Calif. hospital. His final day will be January 18, 2008.

Tewnty-Five Years Ago

November 26, 1992

In the sharing spirit of Thanksgiving, Waitsburg’s first food and clothing bank opens this weekend. Dona Jean Smith, one of the volunteers instrumental in getting the food bank started, said the food and clothing are free to anyone who needs them.

FFA held their annual Harvest Ball Dance on Saturday, Nov. 21. During the days preceding the dance, members of the Harvest Ball Court participated in various events, adding a little competition to the fun. On Tuesday, the court, consisting of freshman Andrea Jacoy, sophomore Cori Kenney, junior Cindy Daves and seniors Yolanda Chavez and Diane Davison, tried their talents in an “Old MacDonald’s Farm” sing-a-long. Members sang “Old McDonald’s Farm.” Daves Won.

Ski Bluewood was scheduled to open Wednesday, Nov. 25 with the most snow for an opening day ever. Cricket Lodmell, of Ski Bluewood, said the ski resort south of Dayton had received 30 inches of snow last weekend. “This is the most snow we’ve ever had for an opening day,” she said. “It’s great news.”

Fifty Years Ago

November 23, 1967

Joe Bodman, newly-elected councilman, may have won the election, but because of mechanical difficulties he lost the race in last week’s newspaper. We named the winners of the race as the first five listed and unfortunately Joe was squeezed out by a recalcitrant typesetting machine. The final standings of the five winners are as follows: Roy Reed (175), King Will (155), Joe Bodman (146), Don Hinchliffe (123), Joe Abbey (111).

Hospital Notes: Don Hinchliffe is hospitalized at St. Mary Hospital with a heart condition. Confined this week in Dayton General Hospital are Mrs. Jennie Deil and Albert Land. Discharged were Charles Vollmer, Mrs. Jesse Thomas, Paul Sheeler, and Mrs. Elmer Hazelbaker. Carl Peck has been hospitalized at Dayton General with a throat infection.

Mrs. Amelia Abbey was nominated as president of the women’s golf organization at the Touchet Valley Golf Course, during the final business meeting held Wednesday, Nov. 1. Nominated as the secretary-treasurer for the coming golf years was Mrs. Marge Radebaugh.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

November 27, 1942

A cup of coffee a day – that’s the approximate amount of coffee allowed each person when the rationing of the imported beverage goes into effect Sunday, Nov. 29.

Glen Hofer was voted Honorary Captain of the 1942 football team of the past season and Andy Weir was awarded the honor of most inspirational player during the season. The awards were made at a W-Club meeting Tuesday.

Three hundred seven motorists made application at the school house last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for their gas rationing books. Two of this number will go for motorcycles.

One Hundred Years Ago

November 30, 1917

Wheat buyers are now paying 90 per cent down on the purchase price of wheat, and interest at 6 per cent is being charged only for thirty days. Born in this city Thursday, Nov. 22, 1917 to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heffron, a daughter. The young lady has been named Bertha Mary.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clark, and Mr. And Mrs. M. Mikkelsen arrived home Sunday from Spokane where they attended the National Apple Show. They made the trip in Mr. Mikkelson’s car.

The Cash Bazaar is now prepared to take orders for all kinds of family sewing. Work will receive our prompt and careful attention and at the prices that will please you.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 2, 1892

The recent high winds did not blow down any political fences; at least none has been reported.

The snow on the near-by foothills speaks unmistakably in silent words and says to us that winter is near at hand, even at our very door.

Work on all branches of the system for our water works, pipe-laying, well digging, is progressing rapidly despite the inclement weather.

A very pleasant social was held at the country home of A. W. Philips and family on Saturday night last. Some thirty or more young people attended from town, and they, one and all, report a royal good time.


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