Columbia County says funding has been secured for top six projects
DAYTON – A public hearing for the proposed Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 2018-23, the proposed 2018 County Arterial Preservation Program, and the proposed 2018 Annual Construction Program, will be held on Dec. 4, as set by the BOCC in October.
County Engineer Andrew Woods said funding has been secured for the first six projects on the TIP.
Number one on the TIP list is the South Touchet Road Project, which calls for improving the intersections at Harting Grade Road and Robinette Mountain Road with South Touchet Road, for widening the existing two-lane road, for improving the drainage, with full depth reclamation, and repaving. Woods said the South Touchet Road Project is on schedule for summer, 2018.
He said the second TIP priority is the Vernon Smith Bridge Replacement project, located on Rose Gulch Road, which is slated for right-of-way acquisition next year.
“We are waiting for final approval of the environmental documents. Then we will be going to construction in 2019,” Woods said.
The old bridge will be in use during construction of the new bridge, which is to be located 200ft upstream, Woods said.
The number-three TIP priority project is the Starbuck Bridge Replacement Project, Woods said. The plan is to have the design finished and environmental documents in place in 2018, and to perform the right of way in 2019, with construction, in 2020, he said.
The number-four TIP project is reconstruction and realignment of Boldman Grade, on Lower Hogeye Road, which includes widening the road for a guardrail, improving drainage, performing horizontal and vertical alignment, and paving. The project is on schedule for right of way acquisition in 2019 and construction in 2020, Woods said.
“Right now, 2020 is going to be a very busy year, between Starbuck Bridge and Boldman Grade being done,” Woods said.
The No. 5 and 6 Priority Projects are two overlays on Patit Road: from Highway 12 to MP 3.6, and from Gammon Rd. to Lewis Gulch Rd. Construction will take place in 2019, Woods said.
All other projects on the Six Year TIP have been identified as needed, but funding has not been established, Woods said.
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