Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Fifth Grade - My Perfect Christmas

Teacher - BaileyCarlson

My perfect Christmas morning By Race Hubbard

I'm as quiet as a mouse, still snuggled in my cozy warm bed. Dreaming of dancing candy canes and swimming marshmallows in a pool filled with hot cocoa. I wake with my little brother shaking me saying “wake up, wake up!” we run down stairs there are presents everywhere. We look outside; the snow is taller than the porch!!! “This is the perfect time to use my new sled!” I exclaimed. The Christmas lights reflecting off the beautiful snow. I smell the smell of hot cocoa and biscuits and gravy. Soon we open up presents. Me and my dad open are stockings first. Are stockings are filled with candy and miscellaneous stuff. This is my perfect Christmas morning.

My perfect Christmas by Giselle Lopez

I wake up and check the time on my alarm clock, its 7:00 am. I get up in my warm pj’s and go into the kitchen where I see my mom making hot cocoa with marshmallows on top. I ask my mom to serve me a cup of hot cocoa. And she said “Ok.”

Then I ran to my room to get my phone to play a game. A minute later I look out my window and saw my dad pulling up into the driveway with my cousins and grandparents, I ran outside and hugged them. “Want hot cocoa?”  

They said “sure let’s go inside it’s cold.”

I said “yea it’s chilly out”. We finally get inside and we all gather around the couch. First we all got our stocking and then we opened our stockings also our parents, grandma and grandpa after we were done opening them we got our presents from under our Christmas tree and opened them with joy and we then we got done with our presents. Then gave our parents, grandma and grandpa their Christmas presents and they opened them with joy and we all drank our warm hot cocoa.

Christmas Morning by Sawyer Nichols

Every Christmas morning I wake up my brothers and my mom and dad at 5:00 in the morning. I usually ask my mom to make me Hot chocolate every Christmas morning! She puts it in my dinosaur cup that has dinosaurs that turn into dinosaur bones when there's hot liquid in the cup. My family sits by the Christmas tree and opens up presents it probably would take about 20 or 25 minutes to open up presents. I usually open up my stockings first and my big presents last, it's usually quiet when we open up


The perfect Christmas morning By Paighton Webber

I wake up with my mom standing right there by the side of my bed with hot cocoa she gives me the hot cocoa with a bunch of whip cream on it. I took three sips. Then we go into my sisters room woke her up and gave her some hot cocoa. She took two sips with a smile on her face. We walked into the hallway of the living room.  After that my mom said “give me your hot cocoa so you don’t spill it!”

My mom told us to turn around and grab her hands and close our eyes. She took us into the living room. She sat us down on the ground when we opened our eyes we saw a bunch of presents in front of us. When we got done opening the presents me and my sister both counted our presents. We each had one hundred presents it looked like my dogs ripped up a bunch of wrapping paper. When we got done mom gave me and my sister a Christmas card it said “go to the back door and open it when you open it look to your right”. Then we did what the card said. When we got the door we opened it and looked to the right there was a trampoline. We ran to our mom and gave her a hug and said “Merry Christmas Mom” with a big smile on our faces.



 Once I woke up this morning, I ran and woke up Ava my sister. She groaned and mumbled “Tanner, I do not want to play ps4”...

I interrupted her and explained “It's Christmas!!!” Before I knew it she was out of bed. By the time mom and dad got out of bed and got the camera I was sitting with a half-eaten cookie in my mouth. When my mom said "ok start opening presents” I got mostly closes but when I got a bag of puppy dog food and a bowl I got suspicious. By the time I was done with my last present, Dad brought out one more but with holes in it. When I opened it I almost past out it was a dachshund with its two hind legs missing but I didn't care.

The perfect Christmas by Arek Araya

Right when I wake up from no alarm at 7:00am, I go to the kitchen and get a cup of nice sweet french vanilla coffee. Carefully, without waking up anyone else, I count all my gifts. After that I go in my room and watch TV and wait tell everyone is up. When everyone is up we gather all presents and open them up, when we have all opened our present, I pick one that I really like and I walk over to Jason’s and play for a half hour. When we are done playing I walk back home and then we go to Walla Walla. When where in Walla Walla we go to my grandma's house with a couple of gifts and hang out there for a good three hours and wait tell my grandma is done making dinner when my grandma is done making the best food ever we have a feast then the day has past by slowly.

The perfect Christmas by Nova Laws

One Christmas Eve I woke up and it was snowing! I was tired though so I forgot what day it was. I was so so so so so so so so so so tired. Wait a minute I said to myself, I looked at a calendar and it was Christmas. So I went to see my parents, they asleep and my brother was too.  So I woke them up by an air horn and water so it was so loud they all woke up! We ate afterward and waited for my grandparents and we drank eggnog it was so exciting. What did I get? I wondered. When we opened presents we ate after our presents were opened we ate.

My Christmas Life By Madison Kaehler

“I’ve been waiting for this day all year!” I said as I scrambled out of bed. I ran out of my room like I was being chased by a Reindeer coming to poke me. I peeked out of the edge of the stairs and I whispered to myself, “Huh... nobody's awake” ... I said with a sigh. So I walked back to my room kind of bummed. I just layed in bed staring at my alarm clock. “It’s 3:45am… no wonder no one's awake” So I went back to sleep for 4 hours. When I woke back up, I thought to myself… “They gotta be up.” so I walked downstairs and everyone was awake. I was SO happy I felt like crying, I had no idea why. So me my Mom, Dad, Sister, and Papa started tearing apart our presents with joy…

A great day By Lucas vanhoose

I wake up and there is a small box sitting next to my stuffed bear. I run and wake up my sisters. My mom and dad are waiting for me with hot chocolate the Christmas tree is lit up. There are presents everywhere in the living room. Then I sip my hot chocolate and it is really good. I run back upstairs really fast, grab my box, run down stairs. I smell pancakes cooking they smell heavenly. My sisters are still drinking their hot chocolate. When my sisters are done with their hot chocolate we speed-walk to the living room, because mom always says there’s no running in the house.. I open up my present third and it is a new video game Battlefront Two. We finish opening presents. Then we eat the pancakes that were cooking and they taste amazing. Then we go to my grandma’s house. The rest of my family is there. We open our presents slow and steady. We stay there for the rest of the day.

Perfect Christmas By Jason Watson

One Christmas morning at 10:08 I woke up with my sister Makanse with a circular snowball in her cold hands. Then she chucked it at my face but instead I moved and it hit my huskie in the face. My sister ran down the stairs and I rode down the stairs on my dog named Lucky, he was fast.  My sister headed into her room with a sniper rifle nerf gun. I jumped off my dog the dog ran into her room she shot the dog right into the heart, he pretend to be dead. Then I heard a loud yelp, so I ran upstairs and grabbed my mega nerf gun. I ran down stairs and hide under my glass table. Then my sister runs outside with gloves and a big jacket so I left my nerf gun and got gloves and a big coat. I ran outside I seen my sister with a big snow ball my mom looked out the window and said “wait for me!” So me and my sister and my mom had fun. We made a snowman and we colored them with food coloring and had snowball fights. We even tied our sleds to a four-wheeler and went into the ditch and that was my perfect Christmas morning.

Santa’s Rest By William Hong

    It is the perfect Christmas morning. It is six a.m. in my house. I hear sleigh bells ring. My t.v. is on who could be playing? Santa is on my ps2 (play station two) on atv2 off-road fury on my profile. I said "hi Santa.”

Santa said, “Hi William.”

“I am challenging you to a race.”

Santa said, “You’re on.” After two laps I win the race. “I am a pro at this now. Well William see you next year.” said Santa.

“See you next year Santa.” I said. And just like that he was gone with a ho ho ho.

Christmas by Katie Elder

My eyes open to an illuminated room, bright as the sun.  My Christmas tree is small & bright.  I am in my Christmas p.j.'s snug and warm.  I jump for joy because it is Christmas morning.  Rushing downstairs with delight, I snatch my stocking to see what I got.

In an hour everybody’s up.  Each of us open presents.  Then I make pancakes, my mom cooks sausage, and my brother cooks eggs.  Pancakes fluffy and golden brown, with sausage & eggs on the side plenty to go around.  My Christmas every year is perfect every year!  

THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS FOR ME by Alyssa Hollingsworth

I woke up one day to see that it was 6:05 a.m. 3 minutes later my phone went off shouting “it's Christmas!” over and over. I jumped out of bed and snuck into my brothers room and woke him up and told him that it was Christmas. We both tiptoed to my parents room and jumped on their bed and screamed as loud as we can, and we both yell ‘’it's Christmas wake up!’’

Once they finally got out of bed we went downstairs to open our stockings. Most of the time we get movies in our stockings and other things... like chocolate and candy canes. When  we open all of our presents and and stockings there we wait about 1 hour then we go to my grandma and grandpa’s house and open presents. Then we hang out for about 1 ½ hours then we go to my other grandma and grandpas house. Then we open our other presents. Then hang out for the rest of the day because almost all of our family is there.  We always have a lot of fun.

Perfect Christmas Morning by Cedar Stegall

I slowly open my eyes then when I realize what day it is I burst out of bed. I rush down the stairs placed neatly under the tree are too many presents to count . In the other room I hear my bunny thumping his foot for me to feed him. I get a leaf of lettuce and give it to him while he is eating I stuff him into his little sweater then I get my dog into her sweater. I get our favorite Christmas movie ready to play. I grab my bunny and run upstairs to wake up my parents.

I poked my mom her eyes half open quietly she says “what?”

I yell/whisper “it's Christmas!”. I show her the little bunny dressed in his little sweater and my dad is already awake from the noise

“Go wake up your brother and we’ll go down stairs.” I rush into my brothers room he’s sitting up in bed ready to go down stairs. When we get down stairs my eye gets caught on a amazingly wrapped present with little snowman on it topped off with a golden bow. My brother has already torn into his stocking and is eating a candy cane. After we are finished with our stockings we start opening presents. When were finished I play the movie. That is my perfect Christmas morning

My Perfect Christmas

By: Preston James Hinchliffe

The night before Christmas my family goes to my Aunt Pam’s house for a big Christmas Eve party.  When it is over we go to my Mimi and Papa’s house to stay the night.  When we get there I go and get Maggie, my Uncle Jake and Aunt Andrea’s dog out of one of the rooms in the basement.  Then I go and get my pj’s on, get my papa`s watch so I know what time it is,  put some cookies and milk out for Santa and some carrots for Santa's reindeer, and then my mom reads “The Night Before Christmas” and tucks us in bed.

 I wake up and I look at my watch and it says that it is 5:00 in the morning I get out of bed and wake my brother up.  Then we go to my mom and dad’s room and wake them up.  My mom stays in bed for a little while longer with my brother and I and my dad go get something to drink.  Then when mom and Griff come down we dump out our stocking and to see what is inside.

  Then my Mimi and Papa get up and wish us a Merry Christmas.  We also wait for my Uncle Jake and Aunt Andrea to get out of bed.  Thirty minutes or so my GG and Grandpa show up and we all get to eat Mimi’s homemade orange rolls.  After we are finished eating we sit in a circle and take turns opening presents.  That is what I call a perfect Christmas!

The Perfect Christmas

By: Chasity Paddock

I woke up and put on Pandora to make sure I was not sleeping. I look around my room my grandma had put a cup of hot chocolate on my nightstand. There was also a note; it said come down stairs when you wake up. So l went down stairs. Everyone was downstairs drinking hot coco and sitting on the couch.

I saw presents under the tree and remembered it was Christmas morning. We started to open presents. Cassie went first she got a golden feather plate.  Then holly got a makeup kit. Nana and papa got lights to put in the driveway. Then I went I got a xylophone.

My Christmas Morning by Leah Ray Long

I opened my eyes and walked down stairs everyone was asleep because it was 6:00 I looked by the tree and I saw a bow and arrow it was the coolest thing ever then I looked  in my stocking  there was so much stuff I thought I was going to scream then I went into the kitchen for some toast then my mom got up she always gets up after me then she made some coffee then she told me to wake up my brother and  she will wake up my dad and then my sister then we dumped out our stockings and my brother screamed then we put the stuff back into  the stocking then we opened presents the end.

Christmas morning present

By Jessika Lambert

On Christmas morning I woke up by my mom coming in and saying merry Christmas. So I got up and went out to the living room I was so excited to open presents. But my dad and brother were asleep still .So I waited until my mom told me to wake them my dad and brother up. When they got up we let them get fully awake when they were ready we opened presents. Half hour later, we were at my granny and papa house I saw all the presents at the Christmas tree and in all the stockings. We ate something then we open our presents that my granny and papa got us. My granny, aunt and papa opened some of their presents. They left some presents so when my dad’s brother family got there .than after we left their house we went to my tia’s house and we open presents there.

My Dream Christmas by Cooper Selph

I start to open my eyes and realized it’s eleven in the morning. I Crawled out of my queen mattress and ran upstairs. All of the dogs were barking cause it sounded like a herd of elephants going up the stairs I got to the top of the stairs and the tree and the presents were gone were gone so was my family deck a rations I looked for my dad my step mom and anybody else I could find when I finally looked outside my whole family was standing around the family tree it was a reel tree I went ballistic  all the presents were by the garage and the best part was I got to be with my whole family.

My Usual Christmas

By Jack Karl

I wake up with my giant dogs laying on up against me trying to sleep on me. I try to wiggle my arms free from the weight of Ruca and Stella my Great Danes. After an hour of struggle finale free my arms now it's time to do my legs as soon as my body's free I throw my robe on to the happy yelling of my little sister staring at all the glorious presents under the snowy white tree. We run upstairs and jump in to my mom and dad bed as they both grown just one more hour as we start yelling, “It’s Christmas!” After about 30 minutes of waiting we run back in to my parent’s room and try to wake mom and dad this time it works and they finally wake up and run down stairs and we get breakfast going and start opening the presents after we have our eggnog. First we look through our stockings and grab all of the sweet treats and small toy that lay beneath all of the candy. After we look throughout the stockings and show of the glory in side then we chow down on so pancakes or bacon and eggs. After this we spring in to the living room get on the coach and give out all the presents to each other and start with me or my little sister sometimes we start with my mom or dad too. Then we head to my grandma and grandpas house and have dinner and head back home and play some with our new toys and our family.


I woke up by my sister shaking my head back and forth screaming “WAKE UPPPPPPP IT'S CHRISTMAS” and I leap out of bed and we rush to my parents. After running to the living room but we have to pass by the presents so my sister closes my eyes and we full on sprint across the room.

After the big exercise we finally make it to my parents room and my sister and I jump on my parents then they finally wake up and they say “it's not even 7:00  go back to bed but Marley and I refused, then they say ok “fine we will get up just go open your stockings.” My sister and I were filled with joy.

 After my parents finally come out of their bedroom and out of nowhere my grandparents come thru the door my and grandparents are holding a hover board I yell “THANK YOU SO MUCH!!” and then we get to the stockings I open it and there is an ornament bird, a Hershey’s chocolate bar, a toy truck, and a bunch of socks. Then we get to open the beautiful elegant bright colored presents and oh man they looked beautiful. The first one I unwrapped was a big soft blanket from my dad then I open a bright blue present from my sister and inside was a Minecraft pig toy.

 After a few more presents were unwrapped I finally got to the last present and it was light after I open it there is a game I always wanted GTA I wanted that game since I was 6 how did they know? Eh I’ll just go with the flow I thought. After all that happened we had some hot coco then that night I played GTA all night.

The Best Christmas by Cristian Gomez-Cisneros

One day at a snowy Christmas morning. I woke up feeling bored and lazy. I went down the stairs to get food. I saw the lights glow and shine. I saw the tree packed with presents. I was going to open one of my presents but I said “If I do I will get in trouble.” I woke up my mom, dad, my sisters, and brother it was Christmas. I told my mom let’s eat first before we open the presents.

I told my brother and sisters to put on their shoes on and sweaters on sow we sled play snowball fights and make a snowman. We opened the door to play. I saw the snow and I got dizzy. I said, “let’s start with a snowball fight and call some friends to join us.” They went to call some friends I called some friends. I made snowballs and they made the wall to cover us. We were waiting for the girls to get ready. When my sisters and her friends got done we started to play. We started to throw the snowballs and we won the snowball fight. We started to pack some snow to form a ball to start with the body of the snowman. When we got done we put some decorations on it and it had stick hands, a carrot nose, a tie, a hat, and gloves. We got bored and went inside and ate. We then got cookies and milk to open the presents. When we finished we went upstairs and went to sleep.


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