Teacher - Deanna Coulston
What Christmas Means to Me
By Allyssa Green
Christmas is hanging out with friends and family and eating chocolate chip cookies with eggnog.
Christmas is reading Christmas books with my grandma and playing Christmas games.
Christmas is playing with friends in the ice cold snow, making snowmen together.
Christmas is being with my friends and family which makes me happy on matter what happens.
Christmas is staying up late and watching Christmas movies like The Grinch who Stole Christmas.
Christmas is the best time of the year for singing Christmas songs.
Christmas is a good time for giving to people.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Shylee Elmore.
Christmas is making sugar cookies with Grandma and Mom.
Christmas is being with family.
Christmas is watching TV with my family.
Christmas is getting a tree with my family.
Christmas is play game with friends.
Christmas is making Christmas things.
Christmas is getting stuff for family.
Christmas is opening presents from people.
Christmas is being nice to people.
Christmas is having a feast.
Christmas is having fun too.
Christmas is decorating the tree.
Christmas is having time with the family.
Christmas is opening presents with family.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Sara Wilson
Christmas is giving Pixie, Bobo and Frafra a treat on Christmas Eve.
Christmas is NO SCHOOL ALL WEEK, until it is over (SIGH...).
Christmas is baking candy with Grandma Sara (and of course Dad’s favorite peanut butter fudge).
What Christmas Means to Me
By Graycen Teal
Christmas is spending time with family and friends.
Christmas is having fun with family.
Christmas is thanking Jesus for giving us food.
Christmas is bonding with family.
Christmas is opening presents with family.
Christmas is sledding with friends.
Christmas is enjoying the MOST important gift of all… LIFE.
Have a great Christmas to one and to ALL!!
What Christmas Means to Me
By Victor Whitmore
Christmas is unwrapping presents on Christmas morning and having fun.
Christmas is having fun sledding with my sister sledding down the hill while my dad watches us having fun and laughing.
Christmas is playing with what you got for Christmas and having fun with it.
Christmas is our family riding around town and seeing new things.
Christmas is getting the tree and having fun decorating it with lights, candy canes and an angel at the top.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Hagen Taylor
Christmas is opening presents with my dog on Christmas morning.
Christmas is sledding with friends and family at dad’s work.
Christmas is building a snowman with my brother and sister.
Christmas is baking cookies with my sister and brother.
Christmas is spending time with family and friends.
Christmas is having a snowball fight with my brother and sister.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Mayra Vasquez
Christmas is spending time and having fun with my family.
Christmas is getting to open presents and watching my family open their presents.
Christmas is watching Christmas movies like the movie Elf. That is the one we always watch on Christmas.
Christmas is going outside and building a snowman and having snowball fights.
Christmas is the day Jesus was born.
Christmas is the day your parents don’t have to go to work.
Christmas is the time you get to sleep in and you get a break from school.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Tucker Hamilton
Christmas is opening presents with my family and friends on Christmas morning.
Christmas is having songs to listen to.
Christmas is to eat a lot on Christmas.
Christmas is going out to play with your family.
Christmas is having dinner at my cousin’s house.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Logan Seal
Christmas is having fun by sledding with friends and family at the steep hill we can slide down.
Christmas about opening presents with family and giving present to homeless people.
Christmas is about no school and that means having a lot of fun.
Christmas is about making cookies with mom to give to Santa.
Christmas is about seeing your family.
Christmas is about getting a lot of whisked hot cocoa.
Christmas is having friends come over to play.
Christmas is going by the burning fire outside.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Tyler Coulston
Christmas is getting up early and opening presents with family on Christmas morning.
Christmas is spending time with your grandpas and grandmas, aunts, uncles, and cousins, your mom, dad, brother and sister.
Christmas is having no school and sleeping in.
Christmas is asking Santa what you want for Christmas.
Christmas is visiting other people far away.
Christmas is sitting by the burning fire and watching movies with my family.
Christmas is opening presents and seeing new jammies and being excited to wear them.
Christmas is getting our tree decorated and putting the ornaments on the tree.
Christmas is cuddling with my family and watching the crackling fire.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Bea Karl
Christmas is when you spend time with your family and have fun.
Christmas is when you try to make a snowman with your brother.
Christmas is when you decorate the tree and put the star on the top of the tree.
Christmas is when you open the presents with your family.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Jarod Hankins
Christmas is celebrating Jesus’ birthday and Christmas.
Christmas is about having fun with family.
Christmas is opening presents and having people be happy.
Christmas is when you tell Santa what you want if you have been good.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Kyleigh Pennington
Christmas is spending time with family.
Christmas is spending time saying thank you to family.
Christmas is watching movies with friends and cousins.
Christmas is having turkey dinner and more good foods.
Christmas is more about giving than getting.
Christmas is listening to my favorite Christmas music.
Christmas is being happy not grumpy.
What Christmas Means to Me
By Sarah Hong
Christmas is when the Lord gave Jesus to the world.
Christmas is being nice and getting a gift for family and friends.
Christmas is getting a big green tall tree 17 days till Christmas.
Christmas is decorating the tree 5 days till Christmas.
Christmas is being all happy with family and friends all together.
Christmas is a heartwarming moment with family and friends.
Christmas is being with family and friends on Christmas day.
Christmas is having fun with friends and families all together having happy, mushy feelings.
Christmas is when the world can have a night and day time of fun.
Christmas is when someone and you can build a snowman and dress him up.
Christmas is having fun making cold snow angels in the chilly snow.
Christmas is a happy, happy holiday.
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