Ten Years Ago
December 20, 2007
To get into the Christmas spirit, there’s nothing like the sights and sounds to be experienced at the Waitsburg Community Choir cantata. “Once upon a Miracle” - A Christmas Musical, by Marty Parks, was performed last Sunday at the First Presbyterian Church in Waitsburg, to a full house. The performance was directed by Melissa Ferrians and narrated by Chloe Pearson and her grandfather John Knowles, with her dad Randy Pearson as organist.
Lacey Mayberry of Touchet will be the Queen of the 2008 Pendleton Round-Up. Mayberry, 21, the daughter of Mike and Patty Mayberry, served as a princess during Round-Up 2007.
The Walla Walla Elks Lodge-sponsored Hoop Shoot involved additional youngsters from Waitsburg and here’s how they did. In the Boys (8-9 year-old) Division, Nicolas Kitselman came in third and, Kyle Gradwohl finished fourth. In the division for Girls (ages 8-9), Jaidyn Brown cam in second. Stacia Deal, competing in the Girls (age 10-11) division, placed third out of 20 shooters.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 17, 1992
Waitsburg’s Hometown Christmas celebration Sunday, Dec. 13, was a huge success. Rose Englebrite, one of the event’s chief organizers, said more people than last year turned out for the crafts bazaar and prize drawing in Ye Towne Hall. Additionally, the after-dark, lighted parade attracted 18 entries, more than last year, and many more than the seven entries for the first Christmas parade three years ago.
A Waitsburg third grade teacher electrified members of the school board last week. As part of a demonstration of what is taught in the third grade, Sandy McCaw, handed each member of the board a battery, clothespin, strip of tin foil and a light bulb. Her instructions were simple: Try to get the bulb to light.
Waitsburg came out looking good in a housing survey being prepared in Walla Walla County. Karen Stroobants, of Waitsburg, one of the volunteers who spent a half-day last month doing the survey, said the survey of more than 400 homes showed that most homes in Waitsburg are well-kept and in good condition. “I was actually very impressed,” said Stroobants.
Fifty Years Ago
December 14, 1967
Miss Fanny E. Weller, lifetime resident of Waitsburg died in a Walla Walla nursing home Tuesday, Dec. 12. Funeral services will be at eleven o’clock Saturday morning in the Waitsburg Presbyterian Church.
Julie Stonecipher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stonecipher, won the title of Touchet Valley Junior Miss at a pageant held in Dayton on Tuesday, December 12. Loravee Bowles, daughter of Mrs. Lora Mae Bowles and James G. Bowles of Prescott, was first runner-up in the contest.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 18, 1942
A Christmas gift of a six months subscription to The Times, the home-town newspaper, will be sent to all boys in the service, beginning Jan 1.
According to word received here Thursday morning, Lt. Tony Lloyd is reported to be held as a prisoner of war by the Japanese on the Philippine Islands.
The sunshine we have enjoyed the past few days is typical only of Waitsburg. The surrounding territory is reported to be blanketed in fog while we enjoy spring weather.
Work in the seed peas began Tuesday and Mrs. Earl Fisk, Mrs. Robert Huwe, and Mrs. Oakley Blize are again regular travelers on the bus to Dayton.
One Hundred Years Ago
December 21. 1917
A Christmas Masquerade Ball is to be given under the auspices of Delta Lodge No. 70, Knights of Pythias, Tuesday night, Dec 25th.
The Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. extends to all the friends an invitation to call at the Mill office for their annual calendar.
A marriage license was issued by the County Auditor Wednesday morning to Loyd V. Johnson and Priscilla Lotspeich, both of this city.
Born at the farm home on Monday, Dec 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bachmann, a son and heir. Weight 10 pounds.
Farmers have rain enough now. All they ask is a few fair days in which to finish plowing. Altho we are thankful for the open winter we have so far it hardly seems it is Christmas time.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 23, 1892
The cold weather has caused the mill to be closed down for an indefinite period.
The welcome and musical sounds of the merry jingling sleigh bells constantly fill the air with their joyous melody.
Farmers in the Fields Gulch and Eureka Flat sections are rejoicing in the fact that their country is blessed with a covering of eight inches of snow.
E. R. Burk, the rustler, was in the city a few days ago, looking like a new man—as if he bathed in the historical sought-for fountain of perpetual youth. The cause of the wonderful transition is that many months he has allowed no intoxicant to cross the threshold of the opening of his countenance.
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