December 13, 2017
-Ross Hamann and Randy Pearson took the oath of office.
- Ross Hamann was elected board chair and Marilyn Johnson was elected vice-chair.
Secondary Principal’s Report (Stephanie Wooderchak):
The WHS band played in the Christmas parade and performed a band concert Dec. 11. The band, FCCLA, and NHS will sign and play at Booker Rest Home. Chloe Pearson and Robert Walsh were named Exchange Club Students of the Month. Cookie dough sale fundraiser was successful. Preston Hall and WHS students celebrated their Nov. perfect attendance party. Nine high schoolers and 16 middle schoolers had perfect attendance.
Athletic Director’s Report (Stephanie Wooderchak):
High school is playing a varsity-only schedule. Attitudes from coaches and athletes seems positive. Junior high fan support has been strong. Both sides of the bleachers have been pulled out for games and concessions have been opened. Copies of the most updated schedules are available on the district website.
Facilities/Maintenance/Transportation Report (Colter Mohney):
The new bus should arrive in the next month or two which is earlier than expected. The district had a surprise 25% bus inspection and passed “with flying colors.” Fuel was purchased for the high school at $2.105/gal.
Elementary Principal’s Report (Jon Mishra):
Dr. Mishra just finished his first round of certificated observations focusing on depth of knowledge. Carnegie Picture Lab made a visit providing art instruction in the elementary school. Staff is working on “behavioral non-negotiables” and is using a program called TRIBES which is also used in Lewiston Elementary School, where a visit is planned later this year. The K-4 winter concert is Dec. 18.
Superintendent’s Report (Jon Mishra):
Staff is working on the Strategic Culture Plan which is intended to drive workforce and team performance. Mishra pointed out posters that staff made during time spent brainstorming, discussing and moving forward to develop clear statements of what constitutes learning in the district.
Public comment:
Several parents were in attendance to express concerns about bullying in the district. See story on Page 7.
Old Business:
-Enrollment is at a head count of 293 with 280.9 FTE students. This is up six students (head count) from the beginning of the year and up seven FTE students. There are 30 students in preschool; 15 in both the morning and afternoon sessions.
-The board agreed to hold a public meeting to discuss next year’s Waitsburg-Dayton athletic and activities combine. The meeting will be held on Jan. 8 at 6 p.m. in the elementary school library.
-Dr. Mishra met on Nov. 30 with ESD personnel, Prescott School District, and WWCC about possible preschool options for future years. Mishra said it is likely WWCC will drop out of the picture. Schools are looking at a consortium with Dixie, Starbuck, Dayton, Waitsburg, and Prescott. It’s possible the ESD would serve as oversight and pay for space. Lillian Johnson is providing maternity coverage for teacher Brittany Zuger.
-Approved Disability Month Policy.
New Business:
-Board members gave a presentation on workshops they attended at the WSSDA annual conference.
-Board unanimously approved a replacement maintenance and operations levy of $2.71/$1,000 of assessed value for 2019 and 2020. See story on Page 1.
-Board unanimously approved the surplus of technology equipment.
-Board unanimously approved the hire of Danielle Carpenter as assistant girls’ basketball coach and Josh Wilson as assistant boys’ basketball coach.
-The board retired to executive session to discuss the sale of the district house and Coppei properties. No action was to be taken.
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