Ten Years Ago
December 27, 2017
Photo caption: The Cardinal Players took a curtain call, basking in the applause following their “reader’s theater” presentation of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” at the Liberty Theater in Dayton last Saturday night. Isaac Huether played Ebenezer Scrooge and each member of the cast stepped into the many roles required for the production. From left: Fred Cunz, John Gertsch, Wesley Hilton, Isaac Huether, Felicia Brown, Colton Townsend, Nathan Moon, Shawny Ingle, Tyson Cole, Dakota Hopkins. Narrator Roseann Groom.
Thousands go through Dayton on their way to year-round recreation in the Blue Mountains and sometimes things go awry. Responding to calls for help in the Blues this winter will be more ably met by the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue (SAR) thanks to a snow cat donated by Pacific Power.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 24, 1992
It was reminiscent of a Three Stooges chase scene. On the first night, Friday, Dec. 18, of the Living Nativity put on by Waitsburg’s churches, four female sheep jumped out of a pen build for the shepherd scene next to the Community Church. What happened for the next hour, according to one of the participants, “was just a merry chase through town.” Two of the ewes were captured quickly but two others remained at large, running through backyards and across streets on the west side of town. Michael Ferrians, dressed as a shepherd, said he stood in the middle of 6th Street , watching the chase unfold.
Another advertising billboard along Preston Avenue east of Waitsburg didn’t get a welcomed reception at the City Council’s meeting last week, Dec. 16. “It’s terrible. They advertise for everybody going to Walla Walla to spend their money,” councilman Bill Thompson said of billboards along Highway 12, near Fermin Bennet’s home.
“You could walk on it,” Elmer Hays, the city’s retiring water-sewer chief said. That wouldn’t have been so unusual had Hays been talking about a sidewalk. But, he was talking about the city’s sewer plant’s digester system, where solids like soap and plastics are separated in the treatment of waste water. Hays said there is about 15,000 gallons of what he called “scum” in the 40,000-gallon digester.
Fifty Years Ago
December 24, 1942
Ernest P. Cox of Lewiston just purchased a used station wagon in Walla Walla and was on his way home to Lewiston when he skidded off the road by the Paul S. Hofer ranch Saturday afternoon and turned it neatly upside down in Paul’s driveway. Damage to the car was $700. Motto: Shop at home.
PEO met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gerald Maib for their annual Christmas party. Mrs. Donald Harris presented a paper on the traditions of the Christmas candle. Gifts were exchanged with the lovely flocked tree the focal point. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 25, 1942
The Bozeman Canning Company which built a new plant in Waitsburg early in 1942 had a very successful season. They had 400 acres under contract and a payroll of $120,000.
The No No No Club met at Jessie Light’s home Thursday evening for their annual Christmas party. A potluck dinner was followed by contract bridge with Mrs. Rufus Veatch and Mrs. Henry Zuger winning high scores.
George Pollard of American Falls, Idaho visited his cousin, Mrs. Harold Denney Saturday and Sunday and visited his uncle Robert Pollard at State Park, and friends in Dayton, during the week.
One Hundred Years Ago
December 28, 1917
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hawks of Huntsville have been married fifty years and they observed their golden wedding anniversary at the family home Wednesday, Dec. 19th. The thirteen children are as follows: Mrs. Maggie Richardson, Mrs. Ida Denney, of Huntsville, Robert Denney, Mrs. Edna Curns, Mrs. Nellie Harris, Gertrude Curns, Will Hawks, Mrs. Dollie Buroker, Mrs. Zelma Fullerton, Mrs. Maud Leid, John Hawks, Mrs. Flo Michaels, and Mrs. Flossie Still.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Rev. A.A. Collender, Dayton, Wa, when Hulda Rose and S. W. Hinchliffe became man and wife in the presence of a number of friends.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 30, 1892
As we watched the smoke and enjoyed the fragrance of a box of Havana cigars from them, we breathed an invocation that the year 1893 might be to Caldwell and Thorn more prosperous than any previous year has been
Mrs. Herman Sattler came out from Walla Walla on Monday and will spend the winter with her brother, Al. L. Matheny.
Married at Huntsville Sunday, Dec. 15, A. M. Kerns and Miss Gerty Hawks.
D. W. Ramseur and family of wife and four children, arrived in the city a few days ago from Marion, North Carolina. Mr. Ramseur is a very pleasant gentleman and has come among to remain. He will purchase a farm near the city.
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