The Dayton School District held an informational meeting in the Elementary Multi-purpose Room on Wednesday of last week, to discuss the District's facilities, and talk about the $800,000 Capital Levy Request that will go before voters in February. At that meeting middle and high school principal Paul Shaber led an exercise to help those in attendance understand the need for improvements to the district's aging facilities, the costs of improvements, and how to pay for them.
Short term capital levy requests are filling the gap that resulted from the lack of passage of a bond in 2013, that would have funded comprehensive school facilities improvements. Circulars with information about the 2019-2020 capital levy request and the projects needing the most attention have been mailed to all households in the District, said Superintendent Doug Johnson.
"Be engaged to the best of your ability, and we will try to be engaged with you," said Johnson thanking the public for attending the meeting.
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