Ten Years Ago
February 14. 2008
A picture of a handsome young fella turning 50 on the 17th is none other than Loyal Baker
Columbia County Health Systems is excited for their second speaker in the “We Can Do It, Get Fit, Get Well, Get Educated” series on Thursday, February 21 at the Liberty Theater from 6:30 to 7:30.
Photo caption-front page The Whetstone Public House, owned by Travis and Deb Larson, and managed by Charleen Taylor, wants to reflect old-world neighborhood pub-charm as a gathering place for locals to enjoy.
Twenty Five Years Ago
February 18, 1993
Dayton Hospital buys out Dr. Hevel’s practice. Dayton hospital has agreed to purchase the medical practice of Waitsburg’s medical doctor of four decades, Roger Hevel, in a sale that will establish the hospitals first satellite clinic outside Columbia County.
Photo caption on front page: Greg and Kelly Zuger of Waitsburg enjoy romantic “Sweetheart dinner” on Valentine’s Day at Waitsburg grade school sponsored by the sixth grade. Class is raising money for the trip Earth Shuttle in Florida. Over $1500 was raised as 195 people attended dinner, in which students served diners by candlelight in room decorated with hearts and cupids. “We really thank the community” said Jamie Johnson, coordinator of the event.
Fifty Years Ago
February 15, 1968
A number of highways throughout the southern rim of Washington have been changed as a result of the designation of parts of old “U. S. 410” to U. S. 12. The U. S. 410 number was dropped by the American Association of State Highway Officials because almost entirely within the State of Washington. The new number, U. S. 12 begins in Detroit and now continues westward through Minneapolis to the Gray’s Harbor area. Part of the change included the naming of U. S. 830 as State Highway 14. The remaining portion of the U. S. 410 has changed to State Highway 410 from Naches Junction over White Pass to Enumclaw, Tacoma, and Olympia.
The annual Girls League Variety Show will be presented next Tuesday night, Feb 20, at 8 pm. in the high school auditorium. The show will be directed by Mrs. Carl Fisher and Miss Judith Moore, advisors for the group. Skits, vocal solos, musical numbers and tumbling will be presented during the evening. Sherri Donnelly and Mary Leid will act as MC’s for the performance.
Seventy Five Years Ago
February 19, 1943
Mrs. George Beteman has sold her restaurant to Mrs. Collin Hicks. Mrs. Bateman who has been in the business here for the past eight years will take a much needed vacation.
The sportsmen in Waitsburg have sent in seven more hunting knives for the war use. This makes 17 in all going from this territory.
The Lost Springs school had a Valentine tea at 2 o’clock on Monday afternoon Feb 15 in honor of mothers and friends. Guests were Mrs. Lester Archer, Mrs. Josie Giles, Mrs. Henry Tertlegte, Mrs. Miles Collingwood, Mrs. Peter Hermanns, and the teacher, Mrs. F. A Moore.
James Stonecipher, Waitsburg, has been named to the W.S.C. R. O T C. rifle team.
One Hundred Years Ago
February 22, 1918
A juvenile band is being organized in this city with Harry Buroker, a cornet player in the Waitsburg Band, as leader. The organization will be affected within a few days as soon as a number of now instruments ordered for the boys arrive.
Wesley Lloyd, one of our prominent farmers, has at last finally succumbed to the auto game and this week purchased a Buick “four” though the McKinney Auto Co.
From 750 to 1000 farm laborers are needed at once in the Walla Walla Valley and when obtained will be given continuous employment until next winter and many of them will be kept over even at good monthly salaries.
The little building across the street from the Preston Shaffer Milling Co. and formerly used as the business office of the mill, burned Monday afternoon. The burning of this building destroys an old land mark one of the older buildings to town.
One hundred Twenty Five Years Ago
March 3, 1893
Robert Loundagin will leave in a short time, probably about the first of April to join his brother, John, and Albert Hollowell, who are now in Kansas with their photograph car and are making a barrel of money.
Married in Walla Walla, March 1, Samuel B. Sweeney and Miss Adna Fudge. The happy couple started immediately on a wedding trip to the Sound, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Chicago, and will return in May. They have a host of friends in this city where best wishes go with them
Frank Hicks received the contract for carrying the mails between the post office and the depots. Price $200 per year
W. H. Bissups on Wednesday found a fine bee tree on the Touchet a couple of miles below the city. From it he obtained thirty-five pounds of choice honey.
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