Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School Board Update

February 14, 2018

Student Presentation: 4-H robotics Venus Flytrap team members Josh Reser and Phinneas Kerr presented their prize-winning robot and project.

Secondary Principal’s Report (Stephanie Wooderchak):

-MAP winter testing is completed at Preston Hall and High School. Mrs. Leid started working with sophomores on Smarter Balance Test preparation and Preston Hall is working on SBAC test preparation.

-Building collaborations focused on next year’s class schedule. Staff is looking at splitting larger classes and working on a modified block schedule at the high school. There are hopes of adding new electives such as career exploration (with possible job shadowing) and robotics.

-Held the first semester perfect-attendance pizza party with Preston Hall and the high school and held prize drawings.

-Preston Hall and high school students have planned ski days as enrichment days on Feb. 23 and March 1, respectively.

-FFA week is Feb. 20-24 with the Harvest Ball on Feb. 24.

-Waitsburg will host the Regional Knowledge Ball on Feb. 21

-Every 15 Minutes program is scheduled for April 19-20

-Prom is April 28

Athletic Director’s Report (Stephanie Wooderchak):

-Spring sports practices begin Feb. 26.

-Six athletes have signed up for track, 12 for softball and 6 for baseball.

-Following discussion, the board moved to reduce track coaching staff from three to two, due to the low turnout. Ann and Lanny Adams have seniority and will be retained while Nick Carpenter will be let go for the season.


-Dr. Jon Mishra said that permits for the capital improvement projects are ready to be issued. Bids have been out for about 10 days and seven general contractors have picked up plans or expressed interest in the project. The designer suggested extending the bid opening date from March 1 to March 6 due to a conflict of interest with one contractor. The project timeline is posted on the District website.

Elementary Principal’s Report (Jon Mishra):

-Kids have been skiing at Bluewood.

-Carnegie Picture Lab visited on Feb. 9

-Hoops & Jump for Heart is Feb. 16

-The Journey’s curriculum trainer visited Jan. 24 and 25

-Coaches Sarah Reser, Lynn Seamons and Kathy Hayden have been working with elementary students as part of the Priority Schools program.

-Professional Learning Communities work is continuing throughout the District.

Superintendent Report (Jon Mishra):

-The board adopted a staff developed district vision statement:

Challenge – Engage – Empower

The Power of Learning

-Work on a mission statement will follow.

-The replacement EPO levy looks to be passing easily and completion of bond projects is on track.

-A survey will be provided to board members to aid with mission statement development.

-March 30, an early release day, is listed on the District calendar as an inservice. It is not an inservice day.

-Mishra gave tribute to Mr. Ken Beasley who passed away earlier this month.

Public Comment:

-Dayton parent Jesse Mings expressed support of the proposed Dayton-Waitsburg athletic/activities combine and apologized for the behavior of some Dayton community members at the Feb. 12 advisory meeting.

Old Business:

-Enrollment Updates: Enrollment dropped from 294-286.

-Combine Update: Following extensive discussion, the board unanimously approved rescinding the agreement to engage in a full middle and high school activities and athletic combine with Dayton. See story on Page 1.

-Unanimously approved a Board/Superintendent Working Agreement

-Unanimously approved the Superintendent Evaluation Format

-EPO Levy Update: Replacement levy is passing at 62.5% and will be certified on Feb. 23.

-Real Property Consideration: Mishra discussed the three properties to be considered for surplus, sale, lease or rental. A short plat will be completed on the District House to separate it from the playground. Stephanie Wooderchak asked when the board would be responding to questions she had submitted and was told a discussion would take place during executive session. Ross Hamann said he had been receiving public feedback from community members concerned about the sale of the District House and requested that the community be allowed to have input. The board discussed how to best inform the public and garner public opinion. Dr. Mishra will develop a survey.

-Unanimously approved Tim Sullivan as Certified General Real Estate Appraiser to appraise the District House.

-Unanimously approved naming the new field house the Kenneth W. Zuger Fieldhouse.

New Business:

-Unanimously approved renewal of the superintendent contract.

-Unanimously agreed to move regular board meetings to the third Thursday of each month. The move was made from the second Wednesday of the month in order to allow time to prepare the Budget Status after receiving information from the state.

-Unanimously approved increasing certificated substitute pay from $110/day and $55/half-day to the regional average of $130/day and $65/half-day.

-Reviewed the school telecommunication (cell phone) policy. Staff will gather information and feedback for further discussion and review.

-Personnel: Approved the hire of Karen Elder as third grade temporary paraprofessional.

Approved hire of Nicholas Swisher as temporary Social Studies and Language Arts teacher in Preston Hall. Accepted resignation of Joe Rhymes as middle school head baseball coach.


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