Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

February 21, 2008

Waitsburg’s John Gertsch has been named to the Blue Mountain League, All –Conference first team BML officials announced recently. Cardinal teammate Kathy Weston was named to the All Conference Second Team

Former Times publishers Tom and Anita Baker were among numerous Washington state community newspaper people honored by a fellow former editor and publisher with contributions in the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation.

Turning a lifelong hobby into a viable business and escaping the rat race with the availability of the right building Waitsburg added up to a Walla Walla couple relocating their leather business here. Bill and Carla Irving set up shop at 353 Preston Avenue, formerly the Walla Walla Sweet Onion Stand after moving from a West Main Street location in Walla Walla.

Twenty Five Years Ago

February 25. 1993

Headlines: Dan, grocer man, now offers tan. On your way to get milk and eggs, you also can get a tan. Waitsburg Grocery, Inc now has a tanning booth. Store owner Dan Cole say he doesn’t know of any other grocery store that also has a room equipped with Wolfe tanning beds.

Medicine and Me was the topic discussed at the Feb 13 meeting of Odako Club at the home of Jean Miller. Fourteen members were present. Don Mowby, a registered pharmacist and Vicki Rogers, a pharmacist technician, gave a very informative and interesting program on medicine, new remedies, changing fashions in medicine and their effects on those taking them.

Preston Hall has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places and joins the Waitsburg business district and the Bruce House on the prestigious list of historically significant buildings. In addition, the Guernsey Sturdevant building in Dayton, a one-time saloon that was recently restored by owner Ginny Butler of Waitsburg was listed on the national register

Fifty Years Ago

February 22, 1968

A vacation is a succession of 2’s. It consists of 2 weeks which are 2 short. Afterwards you are 2 tired 2 return 2 work and 2 broke not 2.

Photo caption: Honored for her long service to the students of Waitsburg High School is Tryphena Fisher. Mary Leid presents her with a banquet of red roses, while Miss Moore joins the audience in applause. Recognition was made during the girls League Variety Show o Tuesday, February 20.

Seventy Five Years Ago

Feb 26. 1943

Beginning March 1st, there will be but one delivery, a day from the local merchants. Waitsburg seems to be going all out for Victory gardens this year., according to the number of lots that are now being plowed in preparation to gardening.

Among the many interesting social events given at the state capital during the session season, which Rep and Mrs C. N. Eaton and daughter Clora Jean have enjoyed, was the annual reception given at the mansion by the Governor.

The local Civil Defense block leaders decided at the Wednesday meeting to take as their first project the collection of tin cans and silk stockings.

Please comply with the requests of your block leader. She is only trying to do her bit for national defense.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 1, 1918

President Wilson, Saturday night, fixed government guaranteed prices on the 1918 crop of wheat, ranging from $2.00 to $2.28 a bushel at the principal interior primary market.

Walter Price, C. R. James, G. I. Grigsby, J. D. Moore, and Mrs. S. C Russel returned home Saturday where they attended a convention of the Sons of America

The Ladies Progressive Club will meet with Mrs. Persels Saturday afternoon, march 2, at 2:30 o’clock. Ladies not taking part in the program please come prepared to do Red Cross work

In the high school assembly Monday afternoon, Wilma Shaffer and Mildred Dickeson gave interesting accounts of their adventures in and about Pendleton while the team was there on their basketball trip.

R. I. Red eggs for hatching $1.50 for 15. Only a few of those cockerels yet, the dark rich red, at prices right., Walter Price, Waitsburg.

One Twenty Five Years Ago

Feb 24, 1893

One of the largest, most artistic and expensive monuments to the memory of the dead everturned out in Eastern Washington or Oregon is now being finished at the Niles Vinson marble works of Walla Walla. It was ordered by the Fudge brothers of Huntsville to be placed over the graves of their father and mother the late John Fudge and wife. The massive pediestal of Italian marble is topped by a statue of Remembrance.

The different stores in this city, having been annoyed beyond further endurance with loaning dishes, have mutually agreed that they wil from thid date Feb 24, 1893, discontinue the annoying and unprofitable businss of loaning dishes.

All the business houses in the city were closed and the entire city attended the funeral of our honored citizen and mayor, Frank Parton. The silver cornet band and fire company were out in full dress.


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