Ten Years Ago - March 8, 2008
Athletics from the boys, girls, and cheer squad programs at Waitsburg High School were recognized for their efforts at a Sports Awards Ceremony, held in the auditorium Tuesday, February 26. The event concluded with the group joining in the W.H.S. Fight song, followed by cookies and punch in The Cage.
The Waitsburg Lions Club will host its annual Father, Daughter-Son Night on Tues March 11. The dinner meeting will begin at 7pm at Ye Town Hall and pizza is on the menu.After dinner, the youngsters will be treated to drawings for special prizes and gifts, including that perennial favorite Pie in the Eye.
The Waitsburg Mat Birds Little Guy Wrestling made a strong showing in their February 23 tournament in Clarkston. Of the 24 on the team, 15 placed fourth or better in their age/weight groups. Determination and dedication was key their success. Zac Brown, Owen Connerly, and Braden Kitselman all took 1st place medals, Tristan Newman, Tyler Brooke and Logan Connerly all walked away with 2nd place medals. Samuel McGowen took a 3rd place medal and Ben Brown, Carlos Norrris, Devin Newman, Trenton Ketselman, CJ Lute, Seamas House, Dalton Janapolious and Jordan French all came away with forth place.
Twenty Five Years Ago - February 25, 1993
The annual banquet at the Waitsburg Commercial Club will be held Tues, March 2 at 7pm in Ye Towne Hall. Featured speaker for the banquet is Norm McKibben, chairman of the State Transportation Commission . Tom Baker will be master of ceremonies. In other club business, Bette Chase will be installed as president, Bob Butler as vice president, and Lois Stephenson as secretary-treasurer. Chase is the first woman president of the Commercial Club, founded in 1911 by men. It has only been in recent years that the club has had female members.
The Waitsburg Firemen held their annual crab feed Saturday night at the Legion Banquet rooms with about 80 in attendance. Frank Reser, president of the group, welcomed members and guest which included city officers and fire commission members. Retired firemen and spouses included Sam and Ethel Wills, Doc and Opal Shively, Carl and Ardie Henze, Walt and Dorothy Harris, Gus and Caroline Lybecker, Bob and Doris Hulce. Corky Callahan ended the meeting by telling of a fellow fireman locked out of his pickup by his toddler son who helpfully locked the doors for daddy. The evening ended with dancing.
Fifty Years Ago - February 29, 1968
Photo caption: Three new Honorary Chapter Farmers were chosen by the Waitsburg FFA at their annual banquet held on Wednesday, February 21. Left to right, Kenneth Smith, Tom Baker, and Gerald Maib.
The Uya CampFire group held a progressive dinner Feb 26. As the group arrived at Margaret John’s, a choice of tomato or orange cocktail was had. Debbie Richardson, Louse and Becky Brown lighted the candles of work, health, and love. A salad of lime jello with vegetables was served. Then they went to Becky’s for the main dish. A nice casserole, also creamed peas and hot rolls. For dessert of short cake and berries with whipped cream, we traveled out to Lavonne Kenney’s. Accompanying the group were the leaders, girls mothers, and three DeNova Club sponsors, Mrs. Walter Harris, Mrs. Jack Griffen and Mrs Clifford Hermanns.
Seventy Five Years Ago - March 5, 1943
The block system as setup in Waitsburg for home defense was successful last week in the collecting of 2 truck loads of tin cans and 30 pound of silk stockings.
There is at least one sow in the Glenn Conover hog lot who is doing her best to aid in the governments request for the super-production of pork. On Monday night she came thru with a litter of 17 pigs to aid the cause along. One has died, leaving a net of 16, and everyone concerned is getting along just fine, thank you.
One Hundred Years Ago - March 7, 1918
C. J. (Chuck) Erwin of Prescott hs been appointed as the agent for True’s Oil Co. in Prescott, Waitsburg and the surrounding area. Rance Williams is a member of the W. S. C.70 voice choir of the state. He sings first bass.
Bruce Brunton has been tapped for Intercollegiate Knights at Washington State College.
Delbert Mock will open a new business in the former Maybac Building on Saturday March 8, to be known as Mock’s Electric, featuring electric appliances and service for the area.
Eight scouts stayed overnight at their cabin. They were Jack Cyr, Jr. Jeff Broom, Joe Watson, Jim Bennett, Billy Duckworth, Mike Vennum, Ricky Davis, and Wes Leid
One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago -
March 11, 1893
A couple of handsome young people called for wedding cards but decided to wait a little longer. They wanted cheaper goods than we carry.
The city marshal has received instructions to rigidly enforce the law in regard to fast driving over bridges. This is correct. Bridges cost a pile of money and they wear out quick enough even when they receive the best of care.
J. B. Caldwell will probably lease the large Bruce mansion on Main Street and convert it into a high toned hotel
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