Ten Years Ago-March 27, 2008
Jack McCaw recently received a phone call from an old war buddy, Joe Plemons of Catoosa, OK. It has been decades since the two spoke. Jack had served on the USS LSM 268 during World War II, along with Plemone. The two reminisced and McCaw said it was surprising how many names the two of them could conjure up.
The upper Touchet Valley Webelo’s and Cub Scouts from pack 332 of Dayton and Waitsburg competed in the Pioneer District Pinewood Derby races held in Walla Walla at Assumption Grade School Gym on Saturday, March 1st. Scouts that made cars from a solid block of pine wood included: Skylar and Brayden Wood, Fred Gitman, Tommy and Seamus House, Samuel McGowen, Tyler Wood, Zion Branson, Austin and Tanner Lockard, Stuart and Robert Walsh, Chris Philbrook, David Moser, Jason Carter, Troy Anderson, Matthew Warren, and Levi Hatfield.
Twenty Five Years Ago-March 18, 1993
Photo caption: Waitsburg Elementary School kindergarteners from left, Charlee Long, Amy Zararevich, Lindsey Auchtertonie, Henry Hubbard, Gabe Kiefel and Jill Bickelhaupt sing song from “101 Dalmations” during annual rhythm program March 11. The performance attracted a packed house at the gym.
Nearly 100 people searching for spring enjoyed the annual style show and luncheon sponsored by the DeNova Club on March 18. Fashions were furnished by Dingles of Dayton with Nancy Otterson serving as commentator. Models were Jan Zuger, Dorothy Harris, Betty Joe Donnelly, B.A. Keve, Roberta Broom, Rose Englebrite, and her granddaughter Jessica Darby, Karen Lambert, Melinda Lambert, Keva Dingle, Dorothy Hazelbaker, Ruth Peterson, Mariderl Farron, Rita Pierson, Jeni Smith, and Walter Harris. Bertha Lloyd and Jorce Conner were the winners of the rattan baskets and rocking horse planter.
Fifty Years Ago-March 21, 1968
Julie Ann Stoneciper, Washington’s Junior Miss, returned from the national pageant in Mobile as first runner up to America’s Junior Miss from Oklahoma, Debbie Faubion
The 77 mile long pool behind John Day Dam on the Columbia River will begin to rise on the morning of Tuesday, April 16th. preliminary to placing the navigation lock, fishways, and spillway in operation. The first power on the line will follow sometime in June.
Seventy Five Years Ago, March 20, 1943
A total of sixteen points per person per week was announced this week as the allotment for meats, fats, and oils, according to the office of the GPA Wednesday.
Dorothy L. Brown has arrived at Fort Oglethorpe, GA at the Third Training Center of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps to receive her basic training as an Auxiliary.
Mr. and Mrs. Berger Chase are the parents of a daughter born at the Brining Hospital in Dayton on Tuesday, March 23.
Mrs. Joe Groom is helping to solve the labor problem and increase farm production for driving the tractor during the seeding operations.
One Hundred Years Ago, March 29, 1918
G.M. Lloyd, M. Zuger, W.A. Lloyd, Attorney M. O. Pickett, E. J. Call and E. L. Wheeler spent last Saturday in Walla Walla on business pertaining to the amicable adjustment of riparian water rights between the farmers west of town and the City of Waitsburg.
Marcel Gagnon and family left last week for North Yakima where they expect to make their future home.
Born-at Walla Walla hospital Saturday night March 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweazy of this city, a nine pound daughter.
Many visitors were at Hermanns Sunday to see the new baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Keve.
The Aloha Club together with their husbands were entertained at dinner at the W. BH. Shaffer home Wednesday evening. Mrs.Shaffer and Mrs. N. W. Pritchard were the hostesses. Dinner was served at 7 o’clock. The decorations, flowers, place cards, and favors were suggestive of Easter time and the tables were unusually pretty. Covers were laid for twenty. After dinner there were “500”.
One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago-
March 31, 1893
David Roberts will leave for Illinois about the first of May. He will spend a time there visiting with relatives and will then go on visit to his native country, Wales
Another ferry is to be established across the lower Snake River. It will be located at Fish Hook Bend, about 18 miles from the mouth of the stream, and will be in operation inside of two weeks.
Mr. Ben Gilliam passed thru town Monday from, Dixie, enroute to Eureka Flat. He said there was a little excitement in the social realm of his town on account of Rev. Eakin, pastor of the M. E.Church being hanged in effigy last week. It has not yet been learned who did it, but the citizens held an indignation meeting Saturday night and condemned the act in very severe terms.
Salmon are plentiful.
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