Ten Years Ago - April 17, 2008
“Bull in a China Shop”, a quaint whodunit, opens Friday at the Liberty Theater in Dayton. Proceeds from the “Touchet Valley Arts Council (TVAC) production will benefit the “Open the Door” campaign for new building restoration.
The Blue Mountain Heritage Society’s Smith Hollow Schoolhouse Restoration Project received a $2500 donation from Columbia Rural Electric and its employees recently.
Eight students from Waitsburg Elementary and Preston Hall will be competing in the Blue Mountain Regional Speech Contest tonight. The group are winners of the local contest held last week. They include 4th Grade: Tristan Newman and Catlin Sheard-Mohney, 5th Grade: Sammy Bledsoe, 6th Grade: Kyle Dozier and Chad Pearson, 7th Grade: Rhiannon Chapman, Kyle Darby, and Logan Dozier
Twenty Five Years Ago - April 8, 1993
Headlines: Lyons Ferry Marina dock rising from ashes—Rod Bailey, marina manager- said the volunteers, himself, his father Rod Bailey Sr. of Waitsburg, Glen Austing and his brother John, and Cliff Webley of LaCrosse-have been tolling over the past several weeks to get the dock and new boat slips rebuilt.
Eastern Star met Monday night and prepared for the coming year with the installation of officers. Barbara Danforth will serve as worthy matron, Tom Baker, worthy patron, Deloris Ford, association matron, Don Ford, associate patron, Patty Horney, conductress, Jackie Ely, associate conductress, Bettie Chase, secretary, Elizabeth Abbey, treasurer, Rosemary Shelly, chaplain, Anita Baker, organist, Dawn Roberta, Adah, Krista McKinley, Easter:, Carol Weir, Martha:, Barbara Burres, Electa: Bob Danforth, warder, and Ken Guhlman, sentinel.
Wheat insects like Russian wheat aphid and grasshopper take their toll on Washington’s 2.6 million-acre wheat crop each year. The tiny insect sucked $63000 from Washington wheat growers in 1991 alone in a relatively light infestation year. But a recent action by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gives wheat growers here a new weapon on this tough battle. The new conditional regulation for Lorsban 4E grants a federally approved label for key wheat growing states.
Fifty Years Ago - April 11, 1968
Men, like birds, come with assorted plumage—some have more, some has less. So it is with some busy and heavily traveled streets, there is a little grass left to cover the bare spots. In other words, the hair on the top of the head disappears. But with the advent of the wiglet, many who were previously deprived of top covering now have hope. During the Jr. Livestock Show, Lion Bob Danforth tried out a pigtail belonging to Pam Smith. Bob admitted that having hair in his eyes once again was a fascinating sensation.
Photo caption: Larry Elsey was grand champion bareback rider in the horse show, as well as taking the same title for the junior division.
Ad—Dayton Drive In, Friday and Saturday April 12-13, “Fist Full of Dollars” with Clint Eastwood and “Arivederci, Baby” with Tony Curtis. Show starts at 7:30 pm
Seventy Five Years Ago -April 16, 1943
The school directors of the Waitsburg District have named Homer W. Reed of Garfield Wash as superintendent of the Waitsburg Schools.
Jimmy Cresswell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crosswell broke his leg last Friday afternoon while participating in outdoor sports at the high school.
Orville Fullerton, Harold Denney Gene Harsh, and Wade Wolfe finished spraying their orchards for scale Monday. Peach and apricot trees are now in full bloom.
Every available spare room in town is needed to house the cannery workers during June and July. The Shuford bulding has been leased to provide housing for single men working the harvest.
One Hundred Years Ago, April 19, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Schiltz are expecting the arrival Sunday of their daughter. Mrs. Alma Reigle and husband of Rantoul, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Reigle will make their home in this city for the next year at least.
Cotton and Dewey Danielson are home from school for the summer vacation. Cotton is helping his father at the U. P. Depot and Dewey will help with the farm work on the Danielson farms.
Mr. and Mrs D. C. Rees left Wednesday for their home in Buhl, Idaho. Mrs. Rees had been visiting relatives and friends in this valley for several weeks. Mr. Rees was here from Portland several days and accompanied Mrs. Rees home.
One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago
April 21, 1893
The Driving Park Association has purchased 13 acres of land from the Bruce estate just south of the city, and are having a track made. It will be ready for use in a few days, then look out for fun.
Miss Myrtie Duncan one of Waitsburg’s best and best looking young ladies, has accepted a “case” with Mrs. Marietta Scott, and will be learning millinery and dress making.
The coming “field day” between Whitman and Walla Walla Colleges is the topic discussed in college circles now. The affair will no doubt by one of interest and will attract quite a crowd to the city.
A.A. Johnson and John Lamb were arrested in Walla Walla on Monday, charged in exploding giant powder in Mill Creek, for the purpose of killing trout.
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