Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School Board Update

April 19, 2018

Board members present: Christy House, Russ Knopp, Ross Hamann.

Marilyn Johnson and Randy Pearson were absent.

Secondary Principal’s Report:

-Prom will be held April 28 at the Preston Hall gym. Dayton and Waitsburg will hold a joint prom. The prom will be held in Waitsburg with the theme “A Night in Paris,” chosen by Dayton.

-The junior high band traveled to Dayton for a junior high mass band on April 19.

-WHS students participated in the “Every 15 Minutes” program April 19-20.

-Youth and Government students will travel to Olympia for the YMCA Youth and Government Conference May 25.

-The State FFA convention will be held in Pullman on May 10-12. Thirteen Waitsburg FFA students are going. The food science and vet science teams will compete.

-Sixth grade students will attend Camp Wooten with Dayton students on May 29 – June 1.

Athletic Director’s Report:

-Spring sports are underway and there have been no cancellations due to weather, so far.

-Spring football will begin in the next three weeks.

-Fall schedules have been completed.

Facilities/Maintenance Transportation Report:

-Progress photos of the capital bond projects can be viewed on the Waitsburg School District Facebook page.

-The new school bus has arrived but has not yet bit the road.

Elementary Principal’s Report:

-March conferences had good attendance.

-The April 13 Home and School Carnival fundraiser was a success.

-Waitsburg’s Got Talent show will be held April 23.

-SBAC testing has started.

-Professional Learning Communities are continuing to meet.

-Journeys English/Language Arts curriculum trainers visited on April 17-18.

-Fifth-grade patrol students will attend a Walla Walla Sweets baseball game on June 8, and each will receive an autographed baseball.

Superintendent’s Report:

-Interviews were held for the music teacher position being vacated by Brad Green. An applicant was offered the job but declined. Interviews will continue.

-Superintendent Mishra will attend the WASA Superintendent’s Conference May 6-8.

-The WSSDA Reginal Meeting will be held May 10 in Walla Walla.

-Mishra gave an update on the Community Series Events Paper Tigers and the Suicide Awareness Program.

-Next year’s preschool will be administered by ESD 123 rather than Walla Walla Community College. The ESD has secured 20 ECEAP slots for Prescott and Waitsburg students. Prescott students will be bussed over. Mishra said it appears that the financial commitment from Waitsburg will be less than it has been. ESD personnel will meet with Waitsburg School District Staff next week and will attend the next board meeting to give an update on the program.


Current enrollment is 279 students with 267.40 FTE (full time equivalent). That is down from 283 and 271.48, respectively, in March.

Combine Update:

-Coaching positions have been posted and there is at least one applicant for each position. Waitsburg school board representatives on the hiring committees are: Randy Pearson, volleyball; Christy House, cross-country and soccer; Russ Knopp, basketball. Updated salary schedules reward longevity. No coaches from either district will experience a reduction in pay.

Real Property Consideration:

The cost to short plat the District House, separating it from the playground and parking lot, will be $4,000-$5,000, according to Anderson Perry and Associates. The cost to survey the two Coppei properties and finish work at the athletic field will run about $5,000. The board approved moving forward with the survey work and short plat while “proceeding with caution” in regard to potential later sale of the properties.

Food Service:

-Food Services Manager Susan Wildey presented information on the Provision 2 food program that would provide free breakfast and lunches to all students. See story on Page 1.

-Due to the kitchen remodel slated for this summer, the Summer Feeding Program will be abbreviated. A shorter program will run in July only. Due to the lack of an approved warming area and three-section sinks, brown-bag lunches will be served from the concession stand.

-2018-2019 Schedule:

Teachers Gabe Kiefel and Lynn Martin spoke about the work staff has been undertaking to come up with an acceptable modified block schedule. The district is still working to determine whether a seven-period, eight-period, or modified block schedule will work best for students and teachers.

2018-19 Projected Staffing:

-Mishra presented an initial staffing and student/teacher ratio chart for 2018-19.

Out of Endorsement Waiver:

-The Board approved an out-of-endorsement waiver for Ben Christensen, who is teaching high school Spanish. Christensen is qualified under the “highly qualified” requirements but is not qualified under the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements. The Board approved requesting a two-year endorsement waiver.


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