Dear Editor,
I want to share an opportunity for Dayton Parents and members of the community to help us make decisions about schools in our state.
Our state’s lead office for education – the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), led by State Superintendent Chris Reykdal – just opened a survey to the public asking for input on public K-12 education investments for the future. This is the first time families, educators, students and community members will have an opportunity to give input about the areas where state leaders should focus funding.
The answers you give have the potential to impact what the Governor and State Legislature prioritize for years to come! If you place student mental health services high on your list, for example, we may end up with more funding for school counselors and other services. This is an opportunity to influence the education resources that school districts like ours receive from the state!
The survey will be open through Friday, June 8, and is available in nine languages in addition to English. These languages include Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Somali, Traditional Chinese, Khmer, Korean, Punjabi, and Tagalog. The survey takes five minutes to complete and it is completely anonymous.
I hope you will be able to take five minutes to make your voice heard and be part of the conversation at the statewide level.
You can take the survey on the OSPI website: If you have any questions about the survey, call OSPI Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (360) 725-6000.
Douglas Johnson
Superintendent, Dayton School District
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