Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago - May 15, 2008

On this 95th year of the Days of Real Sport, the Parade Marshals are Erma Lee Smith, her son Glen and Erma Lee;s grandson and Glen’s son, Greg, all in the honor of the Smith family’s long history of involvement and support of the annual race weekend.

The annual community celebration plans to entertain its friends and neighbors from near and far with a parade and two days of Quarter horse and thoroughbred horse racing and plenty of after-hours fun.

Photo caption: A Walla Walla couple believes they had a close encounter with a family of Bigfoot while driving on Jasper Mountain last October, (2001). Would you follow this path with a flashlight?

Twenty Five Years Ago - May 6, 1993

You have heard of an apple for the teacher. Waitsburg grade school has just gotten “Apples” for its students. Last month 13 Macintosh LCIII computers, made by Apple Computers, arrived at the school and students wasted no time in getting acquainted with the sophisticated machines. The Macintoshes replaced outdated Commodore 64 computers that were about a dozen years old.

Aggressive forerunners in the recycling effort, on Thursday, April 29, the McGregor Company turned 1200 plastic pesticide containers into 550 pounds of plastic chips at its Waitsburg plant. “The chemical industry is looking at recycling options of the plastic pesticide containers that are used in the field,” said Gordon Cockrum, agriculture chemical division manager for McGregor Co. from Colfax.

Waitsburg’s Susan Roberts won a first in the 7th grade category 1 competition of the Blue Mountain Speech Competition at Dayton High School on April 30. Eddie Bustamante of Waitsburg won a red award in the 7th grade category III

Fifty Years Ago - May 7, 1968

Five delegates who were elected at Saturday’s Columbia County GOP Convention and will be attending the June 21-22 state convention in Seattle are: Arden Archer, Jr., Richard Harper, Dr. and Mrs E. J. Harri, and Mrs George Reinland

Spec 4 Tim DeRuwe, U. S. Army, whose wife is Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell, Waitsburg, arrived in Vietnam, April 1where he is scheduled to serve nine months. He is with the 516th Personnel Service Co at DaNang , Vietnam. Mrs. DeRuwe is with her parents until his return to the U. S.

Jet’s Pokey, a talented jumping quarter horse owned by Merly and Evelyn Brown of Prescott, has gained some other laurels. The capable gelding received the title “Champion Jumper of the Show” at the open horse show held on April 19-21 at Trails End Stables in Olympia. Max von Zimmermann of Yakima is the rider and trainer.

Seventy Five Years Ago - May 14, 1943

Miss Joan Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton, announced the date of her wedding, May 30, to Jim Stonecipher, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stoneciper in Pullman last Sunday.

Miss Barbara Cockburn was complimented on her 13th birthday by her mother, Mrs. Jack Cockburn at their country home on Saturday, May 8th, with an afternoon party.

Mrs. Gene Harsh and Mrs. Orville Fullerton attended a meeting of the Daughters of Pioneers at the home of Mrs. Vernon Smith in Dayton, on Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Conover have as their guest this week, their daughter, Mrs. Harvey Humphrey of Yakima and their granddaughter, Mrs. E. D. Norcott and great granddaughter, Miss Mary Norcott of Nyassa, Or.

One Hundred Years Ago - May 17, 1918

The 1918 Class of the High School is composed of 22 members, the largest class yet to complete the 4 year course in this city.

Floyd Arnold is studying dairy farming at the State College of Washington.

Private Dwight Howell, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Howell, arrived home Tuesday from Camp Kearney on furlough for May 7 to July 1st.

Miss Ursula Flo Eaton is the name of the young lady who arrived at the farm house of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eaton Saturday morning, May 11th. They are receiving congratulation of their friends on the safe arrival of the little Miss.

Word has just received from Charles Singer, of the Aviation Sesction in France that he has received a promotion to corporal.

One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago

May 19, 1893

Last Monday was the 61st birthday of our townsman, A. C. Dickinson, and the event was celebrated by a kind of reunion. All of their children except Mrs. C. C. Cram were present, and about forty grand children were also present. The evening was spent merrily.

J. E. Maxwell and wife arrived home from the Sound on Tuesday. John says he is now ready to take his turn at sawing wood, having had his ride on the band wagon.

A. W. Philips left on Thursday morning for an extended visit to friends in the east. He will bse gone about two month and of course, will visit the World’s Fair before returning.


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