Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago-May 29. 2008

If you’re a lucky golfer, really lucky, there’ll be a chance to win ten thousand clams at the 8th annual Quarterback Club golf tournament. A new feature of the Quarterback Club golf tourney is a Hole In One Prize of $10,000, which has the potential to greatly enliven the annual event planned for 1pm, Sunday, June 8, at the Touchet Valley Golf Course.

Spring Sports Dessert and awards night was held May 14th in the Waitsburg Auditorium with Jack Smiley welcoming parents, students, and athletes. Angie Potts, coach, assisted by Carly Benavides and Marvin Eng gave certificates and or letters to seniors: Sarah Paul and Kristin Ruffcorn:, juniors Morgan Beckman, Ashley Coila, Val Hamann, Angelica Hermades, Haily Larsen and Alisha Marshall: sophomores-Jordanne Doepker and Nicole Hall, freshman: Amanda Beckman, Kasmire Grende, Jeneffer Lyden, Taylor Moon, Rachelle Oseth,, Ashley Wilson, and Megan Withers.

Twenty Five Years Ago-May 20, 1993

Its official, the sixth-graders of Waitsburg and Dixie have raised enough money and are climbing aboard the “Earth Shuttle” for a trip to Florida in October. “They have seen what it takes to achieve goals” teacher Pam Conover said of her sixth grade students, “And they have seen that you can achieve your goals”

The Waitsburg McGregor Company is a state winner in the Environmental Respect Awards program. The program honors environmental stewardship among US agricultural chemical/fertilizer retailers and is sponsored by DuPont Agricultural Products. McGregor is one of 30 businesses across the country that received an award this year.

Fifty Years Ago-May 23, 1968

Miss Susan Bickelhaupt, a Junior Political Science major at Washington State University has been chosen as Washington Stat’s outstanding college stuf=dent and will represent her state at the National College Queen pageant in New York City. Susan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bickelhaupt of Huntsville.

Photo Caption: Odako Club has established a book memorial for the Peterson family in the Waitsburg Elementary School Library. Pictured are Mrs. Marvin Alyward, school librarian, Mrs. John Peterson, Mrs. Jim Archer who made the presentation, Mrs. Carl Nelson, and Mrs. Richard Roberts, assistant librarian. In the back row are Mrs. Bill Zuger, Mrs. Bob Sickles, Glynn Favis, principal of the school, Mrs. Joe Abbey, Mrs. Ken Smith, and Mrs. Dick Harper.

Ad: Dayton Drive In-“Africa, Texas Style, (color) starring Hugh O’Brian and John Mills, The Singing Nun, (color) starring Debbie Reynolds Special—Dusk to Dawn shows Wednesday May 29, 4 Big Hits, Smoky with Fess Parker, The Trouble with Angels, with Hayley Mills Fireball 500 with Fankie Avalon, and Night Creatures.

Last Sunday the main Tucannon River opened to trout fishing. There were some 600 people on the Wooten Game Range where fishing was best. A number of native fish were taken, both Rainbow and Dolly Varden Trout. A slight overcast and breeze made it an ideal weekend to be out of doors.

Seventy Five Years Ago-May 28, 1943

The Sorotus Club makes a plea for help in their work in sponsoring a ward at the Mc Caw U. S. Government Hospital for wounded soldiers in Walla Walla.

Operation of the Plaza Motion Picture Theatre in Waitsburg will be under the direction of Edwin B. (Eddie) Rivers, widely know Northwest theatre manager.

Arrangements have been completed to have applicants secure sugar for canning in Waitsburg Beginning next Tuesday when a panel will accept applications and issue coupons for sugar at the City Hall.

Miss Ellen Reierson of Moscow, Idaho and J. W. Carson have announced their plans to be married June 12 at Miss Reierson’s home in Moscow.

One Hundred Years Ago-May 31, 1918

A number of Waitsburgers drove to Pullman Wednesday and Thursday to attend the big tractor demonstration. Among them were Edgar Freeman, D. P. Hays, Emory McCown, Emory Bruce, Harlan Mills, Charles and Henry Vollmer, Bruce Abbey and Oscar Abbey.

Frank Harkins, of Railroad View Farm, near Bolles, sufferd a broken leg last Sunday. He was riding his motorcycle and in making the turn on the state highway at the Columbia School House, the motorcycle skidded and was ditched. His brother, who was riding the side car, escaped with a shaking up and a few bruises

One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago

June 2, 1893

A string of wagons and teams were passing through the Burg on Wednesday conveying persons and baggage from the Advent camp meeting recently held at Milton Oregon.

Married in this city, Sunday, May 28, by Rev J. C. Warren, V. S. Dooley and Miss Jennie Stevens, both of Prescott. Joy go with them for they are good people.

Coppei Avenue has been put in apple-pie order and is the handsomest street in the city.

Most of the ladies wear corsets. That’s all right, but they should wear the best. The best corset made is to be obtained from Mrs. J. E. Tuttle, of this city who is sale agent for the same.


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