Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago-June 5, 2008

Photo Caption: Fuel prices posted at the Walla Walla Depot pretty much tell the story. The average price of regular gasoline, news services report, is over $4 a gallon. The situation has spawned a new word in today’s lexicon: staycation. You guessed it, it’s a vacation spent close to home. Photo shows unleaded gas-ARM, premium gas, LEG, and Diesel ,FIRST BORN.

At noon on May 10, 2008, David H. Flathers passed to his nephew, Andy McDonald of Clatskanie, Ore, a family heirloom, the Dunlap Bible. “This family heirloom came across the Oregon Trail with the Dunlap Family, probably in the 1860’s” Flathers said.

Twenty-Five Years Ago - May 27, 1993

Three years ago, Gallaher of Dayton, began racing his mule, “Sundown” at the informal mule races held at Days of Real Sport and Dayton Days. Mounted on his mule, Gallaher has won every race but one. That was the time Sundown followed another mule off the track.

Two swimming pool heaters have been donated to the city of Waitsburg by the city of Prescott and city officials are hoping that larger crowds of children will turn out this summer to swim at the Waitsburg pool because the water will be warmer.

Angela Ferguson of Waitsburg Grange and a zoology student at Albertrson College of Idaho, has been awarded a $500 Fox Iland Grange scholarship. She is one of six students who were awrded the scholarship. She is the daughter of Rick and Terry Ferguson of Huntsville.

Upwards of 2000 spectators lined Main Street, Saturday, May 12, for one of the best and biggest Days of Real Sport parades in years in Waitsburg.”I think this is the thirty third year I’ve been here,” said the 85 year old Walla Wallan, who retired from Green Giant in Dayton, in 1963.

Fifty Years Ago - May 30, 1968

Grass, Flowers and trees in the northwest section of the Odd Fellows Cemetery were severely burned Sunday afternoon by escaping ammonia in a tank on the Brea-Ag lot. Portions of lawn at the Glen Reser residence were also affected.

Photo caption: The Rainbow Girls float, “Happiness” won first place in the Junior Division of the Days of Real Sport parade, and ws also Sweepstakes division winner of the event. Parade judges were Bob Williams, Sara Literal, and Miss Massey. They commented that floats this year were of a superior quality, show ing much more thought and preparation than past years. Standing is Ila Wood of Waitsburg and seated is Jeanie Julian of Prescott.

Photo caption: A leading contender in the Dayton Days beard growing contest is Bill Casteel of that city. Bill, a racing fan, was seen at the local race meet last Saturday and Sunday.

Seventy-Five Years Ago - June 4, 1943

Students on the honor roll for the second semester are Robert Loundagin, Mary Hirsch, Donna Jeremiah, Ruth Wolfe, Bob Estes, Harriet Nilsson, Colleen Collins, Ruth Perry, Phyllis Anderson, Marie Switzer, Elmer Hays, Naomi Stanley, and Elizabeth Sutton.

Elizabeth Danielson and Lloyd Beckey have been elected cheerleaders for the fall term.

Miss Joan Hamilton became the bride of James A. Stonecipher, at the home of the bride’s parents at 2 o’clock on May 30.

Dixie will house 100 Mexican people wh will leave Mexico City June 2 and another 250 to leave their homeland June 8, according to Walter Duffy, regional director for the Farm Security Administration. A total of 2630 will arrive in the Northwest to relieve the farm labor shortage.

One Hundred Years Ago - June 7, 1918

Ira Hew suffered a broken right fore-arm Sunday May 26, as the result of a “kick” from a gasoline engine. Ira is working on the Eaton ranch north of Alto, and the accident happened while he was attempting to crank the engine which pumps the well water.

Born at the farm home west of this city, Sunday morning, June 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy McCaw, a son.

The National League of Woman’s Service requests that all discarded kid gloves, men’s or women’s, be gathered at once and sent to the Red Cross rooms. It seems that the old gloves can be brought back into service by being made into vests for the aviators.

Alfalfa hay harvest is on this locality. The first crop generally speaking is not as heavy as usual, largely due to the continued cold weather of the past few weeks..

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 9, 1893

Prof. J. N. Taggard and his charming wife left on Monday for the Prof’s old home in Missouri. They will spend the summer there, and return to Oakesdale in the fall and resume their positions in school there.

The patrons of the Spring Valley School speak in high terms of Miss Emma Gerking, as a teacher. Miss Emma is an exceptionally fine young lady, as near perfect as it is possible for mortal beings to be.

Glad to note that people are becoming more liberal in their patronage of the water works.

Alfalfa hay harvest is at hand and soon the mowing sickle will make music all the day long.


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