Ten Years Ago - June 12, 2008
A local team, Broughton Land Company, captured the top trophy at last year’s Lion’s Club Softball Bash and they’ll be defending their championship in the 2008 Lions Club Softball Bash this weekend in Waitsburg. Another local team, Cole Construction, will mix play with teams from Pendleton, Hermiston, Enterprise, Wasco County, and Yakima, says Tournament Director JE McCaw
Sheep dog handlers from the Northwest and Canada will compete Friday through Saturday, June 13-15 at the Tenth Annual Wessels Dirt Blowing Sheep Dog Trial at the Archer UR Ranch eat of Dayton. The dog handlers are expected from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Canada, many of whom competed in the 2007 national championship trial last fall in Gettysburg, Penn to test their skills on a 100 acre wheat field farmed by Wessels and Chapman Farms. Trial hosts are Sue and Alan Wessels.
Twenty-Five Years - Ago June 3, 1993
Miss Tracy Thomas, daughter of Jennie Thomas of Waitsburg and Dwight Thomas of Walla Walla, was installed as Worthy Advisor of Waitsburg Rainbow Assembly No. 68 on Tuesday Evening, May 18. Installing officers were Nancy Otterson, Betty Hofer, Jackie Ely, Jessica Hofer, Marne Henderson, and Patty Horney, with music provided by Randy Pearson
The second annual Wills-Mantz girls reunion was held Saturday at the home of Lynn and Paul Powers. The day was spent with a potluck dinner, lots of gabbing, a tour of the high school and ended with attendance at their respective reunions. Present were Wes and Katy Leid from Pullman, Patty Mantz, Brea Calif, Nancy and Jim Bregger, Kennewick, Diana and Rich Fry, Carol and Rick Heilbrum. Walla Walla.
Photo caption: The Waitsburg FFA Commodity Marketing team took second out of 87 teams in state competition recently. Team members are left to right, Heather Ferguson, Ryan Jacoy, George Van Horn, Jeromie Leroue, Scott Flanigan and Scotty Clayton.
Fifty Years Ago - June 6, 1968
The Waitsburg Green Giant plant began operation on early June. Peas at noon, Sunday, June 2 and has been running at capacity since that time. Since some colleges have not concluded classes, the crew is somewhat short of help, but the crews should be well filled out by this weekend, plant officials said. The early June run is much better than was anticipated because of the lack of rain, but recent showers seem to have helped immensely. The Dayton plant, which has been working on the asparagus run will probably open its pea pack sometime this week.
Photo Caption: Present for the Hopwood family reunion in Prescott last Sunday, June 2, were Bob Hopwood of Seattle, Garvis Hopwood of Prescott, Ivan Hopwood of Prescott, Bill Hopwood of Dayton, and Mancil Hopwood of Prosser.
Dayton Drive In Ad: Doctor Zhivago starring Geraldine Chaplin, Julie Christe, Omar Sharf and In the Heat of the Night, starring Rod Steiger
Seventy-Five Years Ago - June 11, 1943
A. W. wisdom of Camas was names by Governor Langlie Thursday as the breeder member of the Washington horse racing commission.
An impressive land army of women for seasonal and part time farm work in Washington is now being lined up as another way to help solve the farm labor problem.
The Bozeman Canning Co expects to begin operations sometime during the day on Saturday on three lines out of seven.
Bobby Patton is ill this week with the mumps.
Jack Henry Roberts entertained several boys at an outdoor dinner Wednesday evening at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robers.
One Hundred Years Ago - June 1, 1918
A very attractive wedding took place on Wednesday, June 12, at high noon at the home of Frank Callahan when his daughter Mary C. Callahan was united in marriage to Rev. J. Edgar Purdy of Wilbur, Wash.
William Vollmer, who recently purchased the J. L. Harper residence property on West Sixth Street, is moving his family there this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Schiltz, who have occupied this dwelling for some time, have rented the Alex Stewart frame residence on Coppie Avenue.
H. C. Benbow has sold his paper, the Columbia County Dispatch, to A. P. Richardson of Portland with the expectation of retiring from the newspaper business.
One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago
June 16, 1893
A large crowd was in attendance at the camp meeting in this city last Sunday, and a finer lot of people were never assembled.
Virgil McKinney has accepted a permanent position in the Pioneer Supply Depot. He entered upon his duties yesterday.
Married in Walla Walla on June 14, J. W. Cole and Miss Clara Widener, both of this city. The Times extends congratulations.
The Adriance Rear Discharge Binder at A. L. Stories is attracting a great amount of attention as it is the only binder in existence that will work successfully on the hillsides
It is indeed a pleasure to meet our farmers now a days for they one- and- all wear a broad smile which betokens a prosperous future, and means wealth, health, and happiness.
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