Ten Years Ago-June 19, 2008
Students of the Month of May include Ben Brown, (5th grade), Tristan Newman (4th Grade) Devon Watts (4th Grade) Austin Hamann (5th grade). Teachers in grades 4 and 5 select students based on citizenship, respectful behavior, effort and attendance.
When students and staff of Prescott High School arrived for classes on June 6, they discovered that the gremlins had been working overtime. A small car was moved carefully into the hallway and surrounded by straw bales. Seniors then went on a scavenger mission, lifting this and that from each teacher’s desk, and locking them inside with balloons and a human skeleton at the wheel. A note advised where missing items might be found.
Twenty Five Years Ago-June 10, 1993
The State Department of Transportation this week was expected to examine the intersection of highways 12 and 124 in Waitsburg for safety problems following a near traffic collision in which a retired doctor and his wife say they could have been killed. One problem the traffic engineer will find is that the yellow line that guides traffic through the 90 degree turn from north bound Coppei Avenue (Highway 12) to eastbound Preston Avenue has worn off and isn’t visible.
Two young Waitsburg skiers really shined in the ski competition this past season. The skiers, Ryan Leid, 12 and 9 year old Zach Uselman are members of the Bluewood Blazers Race Club. Leid and Uselman competed in slalom, giant slalom, and down hill races at ski areas in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, from January to May.
The Dayton Inn has closed for the second time in about a year, And for the second time the operator said the Inn and restaurant was closing because the “business community” did not support the operation. The Inn has nine rooms, an apartment, a bar, and restaurant for 50 and a banquet room. The Inn is a Dayton landmark and traces its roots to the late 1800’s. The two story brick building was constructed in 1887 by Otto Danziger on the site of “Jays old hall”, and the J. C. Dott Drugstore opened in the building. Danziger also established a tailor shop there. The heyday for the restaurant operation was while owned by the Dewey Martin family who ran a restaurant there called Dorsey’s for 35 years.
Fifty Years Ago-June 13, 1968
Photo Caption: Washington College Queen Susan Lee Bickelhaupt unpacks supplies in preparation for the Best Foods Cook-In, one of the major events of the 14th Annual National College Queen Pageant. Miss Bickelhaupt, a student at the Washington State University, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bickelhaupt.
Photo Caption: Waitsburg Little League baseball team: Front Row, left to right, John Kenney, Tomas Towers, Loyal Baker, Lee Winnett, Shane Donnelly, Kelly Mohney, Andy Winnett, Brian Henze. Middle row: left to right, Rick Harper, Mike Sharp, Roby McKinney, Rod Estes, Kirk Huwe, John Heckart, Jakie Long, Greg Zuger. Back Row:, coach Carl Henze and Assistant coach Jack McCaw.
Seventy Five Years Ago-June 18, 1943
The old Mechants Bank Building on Main Street which has stood for nearly 50 years is being torn down this summer after being condemned by the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dunn have purchased the Hermann Taylor house on Academy St. across from the grade school. They moved in this week.
Edna Groom and Maynard Pearson of Walla Walla were married Tuesday in the Dayton Methodist Church. They will leave for Cambridge, Mass to make their home for two years.
Places are being completed for the dedication of the new Prescott Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 20th.
One Hundred Years Ago-June 21, 1918
Smith Philips, the 15 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Philips was seriously injured last Thursday when he was struck on the head with a big hay fork. The accident occurred at the Blue place east of town which MR. Philips and family recently leased.
C. B. Jams of the Star Barber Shop has just installed an electric hair clipper in his shop. Charlie says he now prepared to electrocute your hair in short order.
C. F. Austin of Dayton left for the Neace place near Alto Monday to assist with the installation of a gravity water system. Water will be piped from a spring 1250 feet to the house.
Miss Mildred Tabor who recently graduated as a nurse at the Seattle General Hospital is visiting her sister Mrs. C. R. James and family
One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago
June23, 1893
H. J. Woodworth is putting in a dam across the Touchet in the east part of the city and in addition to obtaining power for running a water wheel, will have an ice pond from which he can supply the demand.
J. E. Maxwell is in the mines in the northern part of the state. Mrs. Maxwell and Flo are on the Sound.
A move is on foot for a union Sunday School picnic, which will be held in some grove hard by, in the near future.
On July 27, Walla Walla will vote on a proposition to bond the city in the sum of $100,000 for the purpose of putting in a gravity system of the water works.
Ben Flathers was in the city from Prescott on Monday.
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