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Report from Dayton City Council for June

DAYTON—Speaking at the June Dayton City Council meeting last week, Planning Director Meagan Bailey said dividing the city into eight zones has made code enforcement easier. Vehicles and RVs parked in the right of way is the biggest current problem, she said.

Council member Matt Wiens said enforcing obstruction on sidewalks from RV tip outs is problematic for the Sheriff’s Department. He said RCWs and WACs exist, but there is no penalty attached. This issue will be referred on to the city planning commission for correction, Mayor Craig George said.

Bailey said a consultant should be on board for the city’s Comprehensive Plan update by the end of the month.

She also told the council there were no specific comments made at public hearings regarding adopting a new chapter for Historic Preservation into the Dayton Municipal Code. The code has been cleaned up and made simpler.

The council approved the following:

Authorized Ordinance No. 1935: repealing chapter 5.18 of the Dayton Municipal Code in its entirety, repealing ordinances 1544, 1656, 1620, and 1768 in their entirety, and adopting a new Chapter 5.18 – Historic Preservation of the Dayton Municipal Code.

Authorized the 2019-24: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program.

Authorized Resolution No. 1345: accepting the Washington Street/S. 5th St/E. Patit Avenue water and sewer main improvements project, by Sharpe and Preszler Construction Co. Inc. as final and complete.

Mayor George said the FEMA project for Washington Street will begin after July 1.

Authorized Ordinance No. 1933: Complete Streets Policy. The goal is to achieve maximum financial flexibility for transportation, land use and parks and recreation elements of the city of Dayton comprehensive plan.

Mayor George said adopting the policy makes the city eligible for thousands of dollars through the state transportation improvement benefit program. “It’s pretty broad. It gives the community money to use the way they want to,” he said.

Authorized Ordinance No. 1934: Amending the Dayton Municipal Code to say that regular meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. In December, meetings will be held on the first and third Monday. A meeting falling on a holiday will be held the next regular business day.

Authorized Resolution No. 1343: A Cell phone stipend for the Mayor. The cost to the city will be less than the current cost by about $30.

Authorized Resolution No. 1344: Making the Dayton Chronicle the official newspaper of record for the City of Dayton.

Mayor George told the council the state Department of Transportation has postponed the Main Street restriping project for another year. It will begin in 2019, at the earliest, he said.

In addition, the Parks and Recreation committee will form a committee to look into problems caused by trees planted on Main St.


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