Ten Years Ago-July 10, 2008
Photo Caption: Jeremy Nichols, son of Jeff and Dawn Nichols of Waitsburg, is the recipient of a $500 scholarship from the Zonta Club of Walla Walla. Nichols, center, was honored by Maryann Reinhardt, left, and Zonta Club president Betty Jane Seide, right, at a luncheon held at the Elks Club on July 2, 2008. He will continue his education at the University of Idaho in August, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Attending the luncheon with Nichols were his parents.
The Touchet Valley 11-12 Little League All Stars hammered the Warden All Stars with eight hits-including a Nicholas Pearson grand slam-and 15 runs to win the first game of the District 5 Little League Tournament in Walla Walla last Saturday. Photo Caption: Front row: Ian Smay, Kyle Dozier, Talen Larson, Luke Alexendo, Second row: Guy Spalinger, Isiah Lambert, Lowden Smith, Josh Villa, Chad Pearson. Back Row, Coach Troy Larsen, Cruz Ramirez, Logan hays, Nicholas Pearson, Coach Chris Smith.
Twenty Five Years Ago-July 1, 1993
It’s a sure sign Waitsburg is growing. Postmaster Joan Johnson says the post office in Waitsburg is adding 48 additional postal boxes to the existing 495 boxes “We have 13 on the waiting list for boxes” said Johnson. “People are moving into Waitsburg.”
Waitsburg School District will receive $2,089,448. 28 from the successful sale of the construction bonds last week, bonds that were sold at less interest than expected and will result in savings to taxpayers.
Columbia County Extension agent, Roland Schirman is the recipient of a national award recognizing expertise in wheat production. Schirman is a winner of the 1993 National Association of Wheat Growers Foundation Excellence in Extension Award in the county category. The biggest contribution Schirman feels he has made to the county is in the area of conservation. “I’ve developed tillage systems that hopefully practice conservation, meet the requirements for government programs and still show a profit at the end,” he said.
Fifty Years Ago-July 4, 1968
Miss Susan Bickelhaupt of Route 1, Dayton, 1968 Washington State College Queen, will serve as a page during the national convention of the Republican Party in Miami, Florida, in August. She is one of two in Washington State selected to serve at the convention which opens August 5.
Congressional approval of a resolution permitting restoration of approximately 24000 acres of wheat allotments to Washington farmers and the State of Washington was urged by State Director of Agriculture Donald W. Moos. “Wheat growers who overplant their allotments under the national wheat program are penalized by cuts to their allotments,” Moos said. “Much of Washington’s wheat acreage is on a summer fallow basis, seeded every other year. Some farmers have different allotments for the odd and even years.”
Seventy Five Years Ago-July 9, 1943
Because of this community’s need of a funeral home, or the continuance of the present Bailey Funeral Home, Roland Allen has recently purchased the business from the from the D. P. Bailey Estate. It will continue under the present management of the funeral director, Gene Ray.
Mrs. Forest Conover and Mrs. Sid Hinchliffe suffered shock and bruises Tuesday as the Conover car turned over on a return trip from the Danielson berry patch in the mountains.
Francis Wood, who has been ill, was able to resume deiving the bus which carries Prescott folks to Waitsburg to assist in the canner work. There are a large number going from Prescott.
Mrs. Marshall Hudson and two sons of Everett, WA are in Prescott for a visit with her parents, Mrs. And Mrs. C. E. Morgan.
One Hundred Years Ago-July 12, 1918
Mrs. Hattie Dexter, sister of John Danielson, is spending a few weeks with her brother. She expects soon to return to her home at Marshfield, Or. Mrs. Dexter lived formerly at Dayton and her husband was a contractor in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollard and Mr. and Mrs. Orlan Phipps of Huntsville, spent the 4th at Bingham Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vollmer, Miss Fern McCord, Miss Grace McCall, Oscar Burnett and B.O. Porter composed a picnic party who spent the afternoon of July 3 and 4th on the Green Fork of the Touchet. Henry drove his Ford down and up the Hubbard grade as far as there was any road left, and the “jitney” proved to be some puller.
The Potlatch Lumber Co reports that a cottage is being built on the Bolles Junction school grounds, for the use of the teacher. T. W. Caplinger has the contract.
One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago
July 14, 1893
Our city was left entirely at the mercy of the wicked world a few days this week. There was not a preacher in the town.
John Neace, Dick Thorn, Willis Ingalls, Wm. Mitchell, and Chet Montgomery left on Tuesday for an eight days outing at Rock Lake.
A. E. Corbett, the genial proprietor of the Huntsville flouring mills, was in the city on Tuesday. His mills are now closed down for summer repairs, and to make ready for the new crop.
The Delmonico Hotel is now the best hotel in Walla Walla. It has been re-furnished and is as neat as a pin.
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