Ten Years Ago-July 24, 2008
Buyers of U. S. wheat have helped made 2007-2008 a most remarkable marketing year, reports the U. S. Wheat Associates in its July 10 newsletter. In the end, sales of all U. S. wheat classes exceeded 2006-2007 by 43%
Deere & Company will invest approximately $35 million to increase manufacturing capacity by 30% for combine harvesting systems produced at the John Deere Harvester Works in East Moline, Illinois, the company announced in late May.
Washington State University has released four new wheat varieties for commercialization, including Xerpha, a soft-white common winter wheat, which is highly adapted to a broad range of production zones in Washington, Oregon, southern Idaho and northern California. Farnum, Whit, and Kelse, three varieties from Kim Kidwells’s breeding program also were approved for final release.
In the process of obtaining funding for the Waitsburg Streetscape project, the Waitsburg Community Revitalization Committee had to make plenty of compromises, giving up a number of desired elements for the sake of getting Phase 1 started. Fortunately, WCRC member Jeff Broom and his sister Joy Broom Leisure of Martinez, California made a contribution that will give the project the perfect touch that might have been missing otherwise, an elegant and stately street clock.
Twenty-Five Years Ago-July 22, 1993
Photo caption: The Waitsburg 3 on 3 basketball team of from left, Marshall McKinley, Aaron Wood, Scott Mason and Jarod Gagnon took second place in the 10 ½ and under division of the 3 on 3 hoop fest at the festival at the Depot in Dayton on Saturday, July 17. Photo by George Gagnon.
The school board in Waitsburg last week accepted a proposal by the Lions Club to make improvements at the districts football field, including possibly building a new concession stand that would serve both the football and baseball fields. “This is being offered at no cost to the district”, explained school superintendent Burton Dickerson. “I am quite happy to have that kind of involvement with a community service club”
Pea Growers need to inspect their peas for pea aphid infestations, according to the Aphid Flyer. Pea aphids transmit several viruses causing losses in peas. Prescott is showing a high rate of these pests.
Fifty Years Ago-July 25, 1968
Mrs. Margery Smith, who works at Brea Ag in Waitsburg, is looking for candidates for the Miss Wool contest which will be held in conjunction with the Washington Wool Growers convention in Yakima November 10 and 11, 1968.
Dayton Drive In Don Knotts in” The Ghost and Mr. Chicken”, “ Fantastic Voyage”. Julie Andrews and Max Von Sydow in “Hawaii”
Photo caption: Heading-Future Citizens Top row: Andy Hermanns (8), son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hermanns, Dorothy Priest (5) granddaughter of Mrs. Ruth Whetstone, Lianna Lightfoot, (3) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lightfoot. Bottom row: Geoff Baker, (2 ½) son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Baker, Jamie Young (5) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young, Todd Larson (16 months), son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larsen.
Seventy-Five Years Ago-July 30, 1943
Joe Mitchell and Clyde Florea are both back at work this week at Michell’s Barber Shop, which has been closed for a week because of the illness of both barbers.
Henry Walker and J. D. breeze were dinner hosts to the following relatives last Sunday, Mrs. Martha McNeal, Mrs., Mary Bury and Mrs. Jewell B. Romig of Walla Walla and Miss Lillie Hollowell of Waitsburg. Mrs. McCall was born 1865 and Mr. Walker in 1866.
Mrs. Chester Keiser, Mrs. Lee McKinney, and Betty Lee Anderson were invited to a 6:30 dinner Thursday, July 22, by the Misses Virginia Rinehart and Fern Thompson at heir apartment in Dayton. The occasion was Miss Virginia’s birthday.
Dick and Judy Brunton have the mumps this week. Their mother, Mrs. Miles Brunton has recovered from them.
One Hundred Years Ago-August 2, 1918
Albert Hollowell tells us that his new baby combine harvester is working right along and is doing excellent work. His wheat, however, is not yielding as good as he thought it would earlier in the season.
Mount Shaffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaffer, is carrying one hand in a sling this week as the result of a severe sprain when the header box he was driving turn over with him.
John White, Albert Stimmel, Alpha Fox, Earl McLaughlin, Homer Martin, Fred Singer and Alfred Hales left Friday evening for Camp Lewis. Alfred Hales will enter a training school in Seattle until called.
Born in this city, Saturday, July 20, to Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Land, a daughter
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 4, 1893
Good to learn that A. M. Johnson and Arthur Roberts are doing well with their well-boring machine, for they are both first class young men and deserve success.
Mrs. Merwin Pugh has been spending a few days with her Waitsburg friends. She and Miss Janet Ingraham are now camped on the mountains at the head of Whiskey Creek.
B. M. Kent threshed a field of wheat that made an average of 33 bushels per acre.
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