Dear Editor,
Recently, our household received a colorful mailer from the “PAID FOR CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS FOR US CONGRESS” campaign, indicating that “Liberal Lisa Brown chose to protect dangerous sex offenders instead of our children.” What this mailer doesn’t say is 1) Lisa Brown voted against the 1996 WA State bill because it did not provide protection for pre-schools or child care centers, and would not have accomplished more safety for children, 2) the 1996 bill passed the house, but was never voted on by the Senate, apparently because no one felt it worthy to pursue becoming law, and 3) Brown was one of 46 state senators who voted in 2005 to create “community protection zones”, a (still existing) law prohibiting sex offenders from living near public or private school facilities or grounds.
I’m wondering what type of voters the PAID FOR CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS campaign think we are. Does the campaign really believe we’ll accept every fake article that is thrown at us, not questioning or verifying the information, or forwarding it on social media without checking the validity of the information? Does the campaign really believe any mother (Lisa) would choose to “protect dangerous sex offenders?” I take personal insult in such blatant and misleading information from the campaign of another mother (Cathy). It is my patriotic duty to trust, BUT VERIFY, anything I read or see. Is it yours?
Genie Crowe
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