WAITSBURG-The Waitsburg Christian Church, located at 6th and Main, sponsored Vacation Bible School for youths ages 4 to 6th grade on August 13-25. This summer's theme was The Moose on the Loose which was attended by a total of 70 children. The Raccoons took first place and along with the help of many community volunteers, were able to collect 480 pounds of goods for the Waitsburg Resource Center. "Pastor Matthew Wyatt and Lash Leroue were the ones who received the pie in the face by the team that collected the most items for the food bank, the Waitsburg Resource Center," reports resource board member Pam Conover.
Seventy-four children participated in the Walla Walla County Traffic Safety Task Force's Bikes on the Road event held Thursday, August 16. Nancy McClenny Walter along with 19 volunteers from the Christian Church helped set the safety centers for the bicycle rodeo. Cyclists were given helmets and volunteers were on hand to make adjustments as necessary before the young racers were allowed to try their hand at an obstacle course outside Preston Hall.
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