Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago-September11, 2018

Why a person would undertake the training, discipline, and dedication to enter a race which will take over 16 hours to complete and involving a 2.4 mile swim, bicycling 112 miles, and running a full marathon of 26.2 miles, is a question Waitsburg High grad Tammy (Otterson) Wood and her husband, Scott, get asked regularly. Scott and Tammy have been doing triathlons about 10 years. Among triathletes, the ultimate is to do an ironman, she said. “It’s a goal that takes a few years to arrive at."

Over 45,000 marijuana plants with an estimated street value of $65 million, found growing on private land in the western region of Walla Walla County, were discovered and pulled up on Sept 2 by the South Eastern Washington Narcotics Team (SENT). SENT comprised of Walla Walla, Columbia and Garfield County Sheriff’s deputies were assisted in the eradication by the Walla Walla State patrol, Washington State National Guard, and the Spokane Regional Drug Task Force.

Twenty-Five Years Ago-September 2, 1993

New Waitsburg Elementary School principal Russell Knopp admits his humor can be off the wall. Like the time he carried a hammer and block of ice into the meeting with teachers. In an episode that would have made watermelon-smashing comedian Gallagher proud, Knopp stuck the ice with a hammer, proclaiming “This should break the ice”

If school was a hockey game, Mark Houk would be scoring a hat trick. No easy feat, a hat trick is the term used for a player scoring three goals in one game. As school opens next week, Sept 7, Houk will be a student, a teacher and a principal-at the same time- in the Waitsburg school district.

Columbia County commissioners have approved of members of a special committee which will endeavor to protect the historical integrity of the restored Columbia County Courthouse on main Street in Dayton. Members of the committee are: Bob Carlton, chairman, Rod Howley, Faye Rainwarter, Bill Graham, Ginny Butler, Betty Ann Hetches, Jane Unke, Lynn Useman.

Fifty Years Ago-September 5, 1968

Pfc. David J. Dunn, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dunn of Waitsburg, has received the Army Commendation Medal for heroism with the “V” device as the result of enemy action in Vietnam. The commendation reads, “private First Class Dunn distinguished himself by heroic actions on 19 June 1968, while serving with Co. C. 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry on a combat operation in the Republic of Vietnam. When his unit came under heavy enemy fire immediately after disembarking a helicopter, Private Dunn quickly moved to a position from which he fired heavy and accurate fire on the hostile positions.

Catherine May and a representative of the United States Bureau of Reclamation will speak in favor of the Touchet Dam before the House Sub-Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation at 10am this Friday in Washington. Vernon Maril, Chairman of the Touchet Valley irrigation District and that members of his committee volunteered to return to the capital, but that the hearing will be restricted to Mrs. May and the USBR representative.

Seventy Five Years Ago-Sept 10, 1943

Percy Huwe, fractured several ribs Wednesday while working in the Fullerton mill in Huntsville.

Richard Hunt and Joe Groom were seriously injured Wednesday afternoon when a pickup driven by the latter went off the bridge near the Cora Groom farm at Huntsville.

The Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a second Distinguished Flying Cross has been awarded to 1st Lt. Uriah F. Corkrum somewhere in New Guinea.

Fire of unknown origin destroyed the C. T. Hicks home on Bruce Street Monday. The Hicks were spending the holiday in Walla Walla and were unaware of the loss.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimers arrived in Waitsburg Tuesday and have taken apartments in the Hillis residence. Mr. Reimers is principal of the grade school.

One Hundred Years Ago-Sept 13, 1918

The American Army over in France is amply supplied with bread made of all-wheat flour and the daily ration of 18 ounces of flour for bread, is so overabundant that a reduction to 16 ounces is under consideration.

Born at the farm home Saturday evening September 17th to Mr and Mrs. A. O. Longanback, a daughter.

Mrs. W. D. Wallace finally decided not to erect a new residence as she had first planned and purchased the comparatively new residence of C. M. Taylor at the corner of Coppei Ave, and Academy St. Consideration $7000 cash.

H. F. Clodius, Jr. was in town Tuesday from his farm near Mayview, Wash. Hans recently purchased a fine piece of residence property in Walla Walla and has moved his family to that city.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

Sept 15, 1893

Joe Harper’s head collided with a jack screw on Thursday and got the worse of the deal.

Dr. Allen will take early merchantable wheat at 10 cents a bushel.

At the session of County Commissioners this week it was decided to put in a substantial bridge at the nasty crossing on the Whiskey Creek.

Mrs. Frank McKinney arrived home from California on Thursday, and that night Frank’s chair in the lodge room was vacant.


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