Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago-September 25, 2008

Pending finalization of a contract and the inclusion of the former Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. structure on the City's insurance policy, emergency roof repair work was approved unanimously by the Waitsburg City Council last week. Funding would come from a $30,000 grant made to the Wait's Mill Project through the Blue Mountain Resource and Conservation District (RC&D) by the Kinsman Foundation of Milwaukee, Ore. Of the funds granted, $27000 is available to the project. About $3,400 is available from the Waitsburg Historical Society excess funds from the drive to develop the architect's plan. About $2000 to cover part of the sales tax remains to be raised.

Morgan Forney, daughter of Paul and Dana Forney, Prescott, participated in the Columbia County Fair Sept 5-7. Morgan owns a total of five Boer goats, and took top placing in the seven classes she entered with a trophy and numerous ribbons. The Paul Forney family is hosting an Exchange student, Lena Schubert, from Hanover, Germany. Lena is 16 years old. She is participating in volleyball at Waitsburg High School

Twenty Five Years Ago-September 16, 1993

"Pioneers of the year" have two things in common-they share the same birthday and their roots go deep into Waitsburg. Donald Harris and his wife of 59 years, Evelyn, have been chosen by the Waitsburg Historical Society as the 1993 Pioneers of the Year. They will be honored Sunday, Sept 19 at the Fall Festival at the Bruce House on Main Street in Waitsburg.

JoAnn Laib, 17, of Dayton won grand champion and reserve grand champion FFA fitting and showing with her steers at the Columbia County Fair Sept 10.

Photo caption: Participants in the weekly dog obedience class held every Wednesday at 7 pm in Preston park include from left to right: Joanna Lanning with Nicki and Emma: Kate Hockersmith and Willow, Burt Baxter and Itsy Bit, Joan Hinchlife and Megan: and Jan Cronkite and Berkley.

Fifty Years Ago-September 19, 1968

Everyone can be a little fuzzy at 6:30 in the morning and slightly nervous too, when you have the responsibility of getting the voting machines in operation by the time the polls open, as the Waitsburg board discovered Tuesday morning. With all the details to be taken care of, help is always gratefully accepted. However a tense situation was relieved with a good laugh election day when Ernie Kison came dashing over to offer his assistance when he saw the flag flying bravely in the early morning breeze. Seems as if one of the volunteer assistants had put the flag out upside down-which happens to be the international distress signal.

Photo caption: The Prescott Tiger 1968 football team: Front row, left to right, Les Smith, Roger Stedman, Rich Morasch Tim Berger, Steve Gerkey, Clayton Stueckle, Tim Scudder, Kirk Erwin, Steve May. Second row: left to right, Wes Romine, Larry Stueckle, Dave Barta, Ken Phillips, Les Scoggin, Mike Barta, Martin Sanders, Bill Rowe. Back row, left to right, Randy Boaz, Coach Bob Harrington, Steve Morasch, Jim Romine, Jay Dutton, Butch Preston, Chuck Anderson, Allen Ford, Tom Piersol, Scott Erwin, Coach Ashley Watson.

Seventy Five Years Ago-Sept 24, 1943

The high school students started a bond drive this week with Colleen Collins in charge. Classes are competing against each other and the losing class will put on an assembly. The freshmen are now ahead.

Mrs. Helen Long, 83, mother of George Long, returned home from a two month vacation visiting with her grandchildren at various places on the coast.

DeNova Club held its first meeting this season last week at the home of Mrs. Morris Ganguet with Mrs. Jack Clodius, new president in charge.

Clinton Donley burned a foot quite badly the first of the week. While treating morning glory he spilled some of the chemical on his shoe. It penetrated the shoe and exploded, burning away the top of the shoe and burning his foot quite seriously.

One Hundred Years Ago-Sept 27, 1918

The Waitsburg School Board is in receipt of $55.23, partial payment of damages from the Dayton High School Class of 1918-for defacement of Preston Hall and walks by this class last May.

Waitsburg together with other Eastern Washington towns will have a chance to see the special train of war trophies during the Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign, according to the schedule which has been received here.

Geo. Bateman has recently purchased a new auto-truck and has established a freight and express line between this city and Walla Walla.

One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago

Sept 29, 1893

One neighbor, Prescott, has been putting on metropolitan airs this week. On Monday the employees in the N. P. Mills there went on strike and for a time the machinery ceased to buzz. But after a few hours, matters were amicably adjusted and the mills began to grind.

W. S. Malloy was in town on Tuesday night and he was wreathed in smiles, and why? Listen-He struck water on his ranch-oceans of water. It stands 29 feet deep and affords 3000 gallons a day.

One man in Whetstone valley threshed an average of 108 bushels of oats per acre from his entire field. What's the matter with Whetstone?


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