Looking back at the history of the Touchet Valley
Ten Years Ago-October 9. 2008
Photo caption: Something strange-Halloween-like-is going on at Bill Fisher's place at 416 Willard. Fisher and his daughter, Nikki, have a "papple" tree growing. It's a special kind of tree that grows both apples and pumpkins, as well, is just one of those "Waitsburg. One of a Kind" kind of things.
The second annual "Holy Bucket Retreat" is scheduled for Saturday, Oct 25 at the First Presbyterian Church of Waitsburg. People from all over the valley are welcomed, encouraged and invited to come for a full day of having your spiritual "bucket" refilled through praise, singing, food, fellowship, prayer, special guest music, Communion, and a guest speaker.
Photo caption: Leading some cheers during the Bonfire Rally last Monday evening in Prescott was this contingent of the Waitsburg-Prescott Cheer Squad. The bonfire, left, put out plenty of heat and the students' spirit was contagious as interclass cheering contests broke out. Helping boost everyone's spirits were cheerleaders Stacy Potter, Tessa Brown, Katlyn Stringham, Rachel Reedy and Samantha Delgado.
Twenty Five Years Ago –September 30, 1993
Who will eat the goldfish? The Dayton Kiwanis has challenged the Dayton Lions to a contest to see who can gain more new members this year. The winning club gets to sit and watch the president of the losing club eat a live goldfish.
It isn't known whether Spokane television news anchor Randy Shaw, a conservative, will toss his hat into the political ring, challenging Speaker Tom Foley in the 5th Congressional District. But if humor can translate into votes, Shaw would win by a landslide. Just ask the Kiwanis Club members and guests who were thoroughly entertained by the affable anchor last Saturday night, Sept 24, in Dayton.
When FFA member Tom Duckworth sold his blue ribbon market hog Sept 5 at the sale held during Walla Walla Frontier Days, he felt fortunate. Duckworth's 255 pound hog sold for $2.10 a pound, one of the higher priced hogs at the sale. Schmierer of Quick Freeze Locker Service in Walla Walla purchased the animal. "I was pretty happy about the price I got" said Duckworth, 16, a Waitsburg High School sophomore.
Fifty Years Ago-October 3, 1968
Headlines: Glen Hofer travels to Australia to take part in grain agreement talks. Article-Misunderstandings have developed among the world's wheat exporters over what does or does not constitute the proper interpretation of the minimum prices for wheat in the IGA. Charges and counter charges of undercutting the minimum prices have been flying thick and fast. It is hoped this meeting will resolve some of the differences that exist.
A crowd of about 6000 persons gathered on a bluff over-looking the John Day Dam on Saturday to witness formal dedication ceremonies for the mile-long, $448 million structure described as the world's largest multipurpose dam. The major speaker of the day was Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. In his remarks, the Vice President praised the foresight of Pacific Northwest leaders, whose efforts had led to the development, rather than the exploitation, of the Columbia basin's natural resources.
Seventy Five Years Ago-Oct 8, 1943
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dickinson were perhaps never so surprised as on Sunday when they were honored at a special occasion-it being their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
The Bozeman Canning Co. has made another addition to their plant within the past week. Although adding nothing to the utility it still adds to the general appearance. It is a 45-foot flag pole, topped by the "Stars and Stripes."
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bachmann announce the marriage of their daughter, Barbara Ann, to Lt. Wm. C. Weaver, U. S. Army Infantry. The marriage took place Sept 24 at Colfax Wa.
One Hundred Years Ago-Oct 11, 1918
Miss Christina Mae McDougal of this city and Mrs. Madison L. Weaver of Bickleton, Wash, were married Saturday afternoon, Oct 5 at 2:30 o-clock at the home of the bride's parents, West Sixth Street. Rev. John F. Garver, pastor of the Methodist Church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a few intimate friends.
The electric water heater at the W. G. Sherham residence caused an explosion of the hot water tank Sunday which rocked the dwelling on its foundation, and the red-hot wires set fire to the ceiling and the attic of the laundry room.
Grocers are now allowed to sell one month's supply of sugar to a customer, the supply being based on the two pounds per person a month ration.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago - Oct 13, 1893
The Christian Sunday School will give a concert in the Christian Church on Sunday evening. A splendid program has been arranged, and a treat is in store for all who attend.
Tis strange how it sometimes generally most always happens that Hon. E. L. Brunton and Miss Isabella Ramsay make their visits to Waitsburg on the same days of the week.
A Washington correspondent says that Secretaries Gresham and Carlisle work like mules. That is the trouble with the entire administration. They work like mules instead of intelligent men.
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